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Search results

  1. pick my angel for me

    marky, from a personality standpoint, do the flame or even an african flameback. each are very pretty and equally bold. you will find them very hardy and they do swim out in the open most of the day. coral beauties are great too, although they can be a touch on the shy side. the lemonpeels...
  2. Blue tang with Cryptocarion infection

    mouse, seamaiden is right and has given all of the text book answers. now for those of us who do not like to treat, dose, move, hypo, hyper, quarantine, fresh water dip, pray, etc. there are other ways. although my ich outbreaks have been rare, i have always found water changes to be...
  3. PH Probe Calibration

    wet, by all means replace it and be done with it. most manufacturers suggest a replacement schedule on probes to be between every 6 to 8 months. i'd say you're there with the 5 to 6 year thing. good luck. dcr.
  4. Chalk bass question

    ryan, any basslet is an omnivore in nature. just be careful. although, you are right, if he could ever find the peppermint shrimp, then you might have a problem. just be aware of one thing, most basslets, particularly chalkies and tobaccos are big, big jumpers. know that. good luck to you.
  5. phosphates are 0.2 still have brown growth?

    cenzo, .2 is still way too high. could be other tank issues like poor lighting, but i would start with phosphates. get them as close to 0 as you can, not even a little bit. u can buy phosphate removers, but they do also leech back. water change your butt off (of course, with the right...
  6. Tangs in a tank

    aqua, to each his own. i have a sohal, sailfin, hippo, lepizi and chocolate (immature mimic) in my 120 reef. never had an issue (3-5 years). do they bicker sometimes? of course they do, but then it is not uncommon for guppies to fight either. if you listen to half of the advice on these...
  7. Can I do Acros?

    mike, have at it. your wattage is high; you are right. however, your spectral output is fine too. bear in mind, while the 20k's may look very blue, they still have all of the necessary levels of other colors in the spectrum, mainly yellows and reds. they are just significantly heavier in...
  8. Looking for southdown in del.philly area.

    great, call the home depot store on route 42 south in turnersville, new jersey and ask them before u make the trip. i suspect they will have what u are looking for. good luck to you.
  9. potter's is pale?

    newbie, honestly, be glad you were able to get him to the two month mark. just picked up your post now or i would have tried to respond earlier. what your fish was experiencing could have been anything from bacteria to viral. point is, try to avoid potters. they are endemic to hawaii only...
  10. Q about 10K MH bulbs

    wally, if u are doing 175 w, try the 14k's by hamilton. u can get them on their site. i did the 175w 14's and liked them so much, i moved to the 250w. for me, they are the best looking bulb around. i still supplement them with 110w O3's, but that is a personal choice. trust me, they are...
  11. any hardy mushrooms/polyps that dont overtake

    newbie, palmetto is right. any discosoma is going to walk and seem to thrive in virtually any conditions. i would try a small ricordea rock for now and see how things progress. just gave about 4 discosoma rocks to my buddy. they were beautiful, but my sps are paramount. good luck.
  12. Clam Bleaching

    tim, if i were a betting man and i am not, i would put money on lighting being your problem, not to mention the overall "newness" of your tank. he needs halides and he needs to be up high. they are photosynthetic; feeding is anecdotal. good luck with him.
  13. question about tangs......

    t bird, to each his own, but i have a sailfin, lepizi, chocolate, purple and hippo in my full reef, oceanic 120. yes, it is 48" long. have never had an issue. i believe that "swimming room" is secondary to overpopulation. provide pristine water conditions and provide as "natural" a tank as...
  14. scaping coraline off the back glass?...

    big, you are one of the few who would like to remove coralline from anywhere. only place i would ever remove it is the front glass. interestingly enough, for the first time, i have about a dime size growing on the front glass. can't bring myself to remove it. still there. bring your...
  15. Help with Yellow Tang

    danno, nonsense aside, if he is active like he would normally be and eating, i would just keep a close eye on him. he could have scratched himself on rock or some other tank decoration, either at night or while being chased by another fish. it is great that you noticed; you are doing the...
  16. clams wont sit still.

    snowy, some folks use a 2" to 3" piece of pvc and set the clam in that. problem is, it is difficult (and a bit unsightly) to have pvc sections all over your tank. try putting the pvc on the tank bottom with a small rock inside the base of it. then, set your clam on it. this should keep your...
  17. sohal tang

    jason and gary, nice responses. thanks for the help. that is what i was looking for.
  18. sohal tang

    assume all other parameters are ok. do not have any similar fish in the tank and all water tests are always where they need to be. not looking for advice as it relates to the sohal in my tank, just curious what others experiences have been. wouldn't buy if i didn't have a suitable tank, as...
  19. sohal tang

    hi guys/gals, got a sohal tang coming tomorrow. have lots of experience with most other tangs, just not this one. been looking for the right size and found one. really looking forward to him. other than typical tang stuff and the potential for aggression, is there anything else you folks...
  20. How "reef safe" are coral beauty angelfish?

    iron mike, have at it. generally no issues at all with coral beauties. hey, any fish will pick at anything if he is hungry. keep him happy and he will return the favor. good luck.
