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I'm going to be setting up a 46 bowfront soon and was considering using 2 10K mh bulbs. Do I need to supplement them w/ actinics, or will they look/work alright alone? I have a 2x55 PC retro that I could use, but I was hopong to use that for a growout system. Any comments appreciated!


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Need to be more specific which 10K? Marketing departments slap 10K on a label faster than Bill Clinton goes after an intern these days. If you use the blue chinese 10K's you won't need to supplement, if you go with 10K germans you'll probably want some supplemental blue as they tend to run a bit yellow or green.


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if u are doing 175 w, try the 14k's by hamilton. u can get them on their site.

i did the 175w 14's and liked them so much, i moved to the 250w.

for me, they are the best looking bulb around. i still supplement them with 110w O3's, but that is a personal choice.

trust me, they are the deal!

good luck to you.


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Thanks for the replies. FWIW, I was also considering the Sunburst 12K's but I might have to look into those 14's. Like I said, I'm trying to save my 55 PC's for a grow out tank, but of course, the display tank comes first! Any other comments or suggestions? I also considered just adding 2x96 PC's to my 55's, as I've heard of others having success w/ SPS corals with these lights, but figured that I'd get better growth from MH.


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The Hamilton 14K Belgian bulbs are pretty good quality. A little too blue for my taste, but maybe not for yours.

Steer clear of the Sunbursts. Massive drop in output after a month or two and they have a nasty habit of bursting.


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Hence, the sun"burst"?!?
(sorry, I couldn't resist!)
Thanks for the tip. Needless to say, I work hard for my $$ and don't want to buy the wrong thing!


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^ Anymore opinions? Supplement? Also, on that size of tank, can I use 175 watts for SPS, or should I go to 250 watts? Is 250 too much?


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i use the 14k hamiltons. they are nice. i also dont get much unwanted algae growth. the bluer bulb seems to help.

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