I have found that Ricordea tend to stick to their own rock much more than the discosoma mushrooms, which just appear on the other side of the tank from where they started.
The Ricordea seem to split/ move across rock area instead of letting go and showing up somewhere else entirely.
yes i like the florida also i find the coloring to be nicer, also all corals will spread and eventually overtake things you just have to watch them, i remove my excess mushrooms and sell them to my lfs i trade for live rock mostly to replenish the small rock i took out with the mushrooms on them.
I've never had a problem with ricordea, but regular mushrooms are evil- don't put em in your tank. Green star polyps can grow over stuff and should be on a rock that is seperated somehow. People also have problems with yellow polyps. My zooanthids (multicolored) grew fairly slowly but some people have had problems with them too. There are zooanthid eating snails if they get too out of hand.