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My yellow tang developed a small white spot above his right eye. I thought he might have just bumped the spot but after 3 days it doesnt appear any better. Should I put him in the hospital tank and treat for Ich?
Stats :
Water temp 80f
salinity 1.023
Amonia 0.0
nitra 0.0
Nitri 0.0
PH 8.8
45 lb live rock
2 percula clowns
1 spotted Gobi
1 cleaner shrimp
1 peperment shrimp
6 reef crabs
2 turbo snails
all healthy in a 1 year old tank
any suggestions? am I on the right track or am I overreacting.


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Still a newbie at this but I wouldn't get too worried about one spot.

Chasing around a fish plus the QTank and treatment would be rather stressful. Just keep feeding and make sure your parameters stay up.


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Just shoot it off with a Red Ryder BB gun.

Ok..I am sorry that was real stupid advice.I had to edit this post....Moderator thing.....ya know!.....It is just a whitehead like we get sometimes.just take the fish out .hold its tail with a piece of gauze or a pair of pliers and pop it with your fingers.then toss it back in the tank. See how easy it is!............. and no chemicals! Glad I could be of help! :D

King Jason

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Bangbang":21oyx183 said:
Just shoot it off with a Red Ryder BB gun.

Ok..I am sorry that was real stupid advice.I had to edit this post....Moderator thing.....ya know!.....It is just a whitehead like we get sometimes.just take the fish out .hold its tail with a piece of gauze or a pair of pliers and pop it with your fingers.then toss it back in the tank. See how easy it is!............. and no chemicals! Glad I could be of help! :D

Keep Seaweed or some type of algae in the tank all the time. I use Seaweed Selects.

Like stated above soak food in Garlic Extract, and Selcon.


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Bangbang":1racgcmv said:
Just shoot it off with a Red Ryder BB gun.

Ok..I am sorry that was real stupid advice.I had to edit this post....Moderator thing.....ya know!.....It is just a whitehead like we get sometimes.just take the fish out .hold its tail with a piece of gauze or a pair of pliers and pop it with your fingers.then toss it back in the tank. See how easy it is!............. and no chemicals! Glad I could be of help! :D

god you are an anoying one.

Ok..I am sorry that was real stupid advice.
yes, yes it was


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beerbaron":28rr61gz said:
Bangbang":28rr61gz said:
Just shoot it off with a Red Ryder BB gun.

Ok..I am sorry that was real stupid advice.I had to edit this post....Moderator thing.....ya know!.....It is just a whitehead like we get sometimes.just take the fish out .hold its tail with a piece of gauze or a pair of pliers and pop it with your fingers.then toss it back in the tank. See how easy it is!............. and no chemicals! Glad I could be of help! :D

god you are an anoying one.

Ok..I am sorry that was real stupid advice.
yes, yes it was

You should pick a different Avatar. Homer has a sense of humour!


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I don't have a Red Ryder BB gun but I have a Crossman pellet gun. Is that an acceptable substitute? Has anyone tried the Crossman? :lol:


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Pellets are made of lead, way too soft to pick something off of a fish. Your fish has too high a chance of a flesh wound. BB's are much harder and gives a much better chance of a clean pick-off.


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I agree with Mac.Lead is toxic.however I have a hunk of lead in my lower back from my brother shootin me and it has never bothered me. The lead will make to large a hole in your fish. Ya know what....... maybe you should just pop it with your fingers. Make sure you clean the are very well with Iodine Tinture to prevent any infection. You may want to get some antibiotic to place in the tank too. I am so helpful.don't ya think so! :lol:


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beerbaron":3jklnp7g said:
Bangbang":3jklnp7g said:
You should pick a different Avatar. Homer has a sense of humour!

one time i found 5 bucks!

at Red Lobster? I am goin there now! Hope I can find enough to get another piece of premium Liverock.


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nonsense aside, if he is active like he would normally be and eating, i would just keep a close eye on him. he could have scratched himself on rock or some other tank decoration, either at night or while being chased by another fish.

it is great that you noticed; you are doing the right thing, but don't panic. i have found yellows to be very hardy and one single spot surely doesn't dictate quarantin"ing".

good luck with him.

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