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hi guys/gals,

got a sohal tang coming tomorrow. have lots of experience with most other tangs, just not this one. been looking for the right size and found one.

really looking forward to him.

other than typical tang stuff and the potential for aggression, is there anything else you folks might be able to help me out with?

thank you.


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Without knowing the size of your aquarium, the type of setup and other fish in there already, it's difficult to answer your question.

Sohal tangs originate from areas of strong currents and require a lot of swimming room. They are very aggressive towards congeners (other Acanthurids) in particular and most other large fish in general.

Greg Schiemer


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assume all other parameters are ok. do not have any similar fish in the tank and all water tests are always where they need to be. not looking for advice as it relates to the sohal in my tank, just curious what others experiences have been. wouldn't buy if i didn't have a suitable tank, as well as tankmates, for him.

tank is 120 gallon oceanic with full reef. i suspect he will like this. one i am purchasing is 3".

thanks, again.


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As I said previously, Sohal tangs will relentlessly bully other Acanthurids, so mixing it with congeners is a no-no. They will also bully other tangs and large angelfish, depending upon their relative sizes. They should be fine with smaller fish, such as wrasses, chromis, and Pseudochromids.


King Jason

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He will be very finicky and scared when you first introduce him. For the first month or so mine would dart around the tank like a rocket. I couldn't believe he didn't run into the glass or rock.

Once he settled down he would swim through the rocks and munch of Seaweed I had in the tank 24/7.

The Sohal will almost positively get ich during his first few weeks/months in the new tank. Just keep him stuffed with greens and use garlic extract and selcon whenever possible.

Good Luck!

PS, You said you had experience with other tangs. If you do have a tang in the tank right now I would be worried about it picking on your Sohal at first. As many mentioned the Sohal will eventually be the aggressor, but at first he will get bullied around by any other territorial tang in the tank (such as a Yellow or Purple tang). This could put a lot of stress on the Sohal if he doesn’t have anywhere to run and hide or get out of the other tangs territory.

Garry thomas

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no point in telling you about the aggression my friend. But when he grows bigger, pretty quickly as well given spacious quarters. he'll probally be a nuisance. I had to get rid of my large 8incher because of its anger with others. and that was in a 11ft reef tank. i'v since made the same mistake by putting in a juv clown tang/acanthurus lineatus in. grown large in no time. And he's worse. :evil:


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King Jason

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Garry thomas":31y0deij said:
no point in telling you about the aggression my friend. But when he grows bigger, pretty quickly as well given spacious quarters. he'll probally be a nuisance. I had to get rid of my large 8incher because of its anger with others. and that was in a 11ft reef tank. i'v since made the same mistake by putting in a juv clown tang/acanthurus lineatus in. grown large in no time. And he's worse. :evil:

How did you catch him?

Garry thomas

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Well not the most friendliest of ways, But a size 20 hook done the job,he's doing fine some 3months later in a buddys tank. :cry: sorry to see him go on the other hand tho. :cry:

King Jason

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Garry thomas":1hzy9p14 said:
Well not the most friendliest of ways, But a size 20 hook done the job,he's doing fine some 3months later in a buddys tank. :cry: sorry to see him go on the other hand tho. :cry:

Wow, I was thinking that would be the only way. I would worry he might swallow the hook.

PS, Barb less hook of course (had to add this incase someone might get an idea here)

Garry thomas

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Hello jason, yes barbless m8. the sohal was such a greedy so an so, i knew he would always be first to the bait. The first attempt he syraightened the hook. :x and the idiot still come back for more, except this time i put an elastic band between me and the line. so to spread his load out. one large stunning fish, and £70 quid for the pocket. Thanks dale. i'v also been trying to catch my blue queen who had just started to take the odd nibble at sarcophytons. she would'nt go near the hook, and they say fish are thick. i dont think so. In the end i'v recently caught her using a cage made out of egg crate/ light diffuser. at last she's sold but in my sump at the moment.

Tony Quinn

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In the wild Sohal's grow very large and like the surge around wrecks and reefs. I would say that the 120 is too small, mine was in a 300g and was more agressive than any trigger I've had.

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