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I have three T. crocea in a newly established 180g tank. I came home this evening to find one of the clams significantly paler than yesterday, and getting worse over the last few hours. Refering to Daniel Knop's book on clams, it appears to be a case of generalized bleaching. Knop suggests that the cause of such a bleaching is the lack of nitrogen in the tank. I measure my nitrate levels to be about 0.5 ppm.

Any ideas on what I should do?



I'm not exactly sure how to post pictures, but if it works, here is the clam now:


and here it is a couple of days ago:


(I have these on ImageStation, which is really slow tonight, so if you don't see the pics, it could be that or I could be doing something wrong)


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if you have the images on your hard drive, you can post them directly using the 'add attachment' feature at the bottom of the posting page :wink:


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feed the crap out of the tank, that's what I did when I had something similar happin, the color did come back.


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if i were a betting man and i am not, i would put money on lighting being your problem, not to mention the overall "newness" of your tank.

he needs halides and he needs to be up high.

they are photosynthetic; feeding is anecdotal.

good luck with him.

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