I have a maxima and a squasmosis for 2 weeks now. Neither clam will stay anywhere I put it. my lastest attemp is halfway up the tank. this morning the squasmosis didnt look so good when I went to move it back up the rock. Its mantle just seemed to open on its own when i tilted it, also while I was picking it up, i looked though its mouth and could see light on the other side. I have a 55 gallon with 2 65 watt pc actinic and 2 65 watt pc 10000k that literally sit right on top of my tank. All parameters check out exept Calcium being around 380, wich Im trying to bring up with B-onic 2 part. I have hermits, snails, emeralds, reef losbter,ect. Besides moving/hoping around mainly during the night, the maxima looks great. Ive come to the conclusion thats its probably dying, but any advice would be appreciated. Thanks