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I have a maxima and a squasmosis for 2 weeks now. Neither clam will stay anywhere I put it. my lastest attemp is halfway up the tank. this morning the squasmosis didnt look so good when I went to move it back up the rock. Its mantle just seemed to open on its own when i tilted it, also while I was picking it up, i looked though its mouth and could see light on the other side. I have a 55 gallon with 2 65 watt pc actinic and 2 65 watt pc 10000k that literally sit right on top of my tank. All parameters check out exept Calcium being around 380, wich Im trying to bring up with B-onic 2 part. I have hermits, snails, emeralds, reef losbter,ect. Besides moving/hoping around mainly during the night, the maxima looks great. Ive come to the conclusion thats its probably dying, but any advice would be appreciated. Thanks


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snowman5373":4baz2c68 said:
I have a maxima and a squasmosis for 2 weeks now. Neither clam will stay anywhere I put it. my lastest attemp is halfway up the tank. this morning the squasmosis didnt look so good when I went to move it back up the rock. Its mantle just seemed to open on its own when i tilted it, also while I was picking it up, i looked though its mouth and could see light on the other side. I have a 55 gallon with 2 65 watt pc actinic and 2 65 watt pc 10000k that literally sit right on top of my tank. All parameters check out exept Calcium being around 380, wich Im trying to bring up with B-onic 2 part. I have hermits, snails, emeralds, reef losbter,ect. Besides moving/hoping around mainly during the night, the maxima looks great. Ive come to the conclusion thats its probably dying, but any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Came home from school today and the Squasmosis looks fine, just might have been too early of a morning for me :roll: Some advice on getting the clams to stay still would be appreciated...Thanks


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some folks use a 2" to 3" piece of pvc and set the clam in that. problem is, it is difficult (and a bit unsightly) to have pvc sections all over your tank.

try putting the pvc on the tank bottom with a small rock inside the base of it. then, set your clam on it. this should keep your clams from falling over, while giving them the chance to attach to the smaller rock. once attached, place the clam and rock wherever you wish to.

i know what you are going through. it does take time, unless you get lucky, as i have once or twice, to get the clams to attach. i have found however, the higher up they are initially placed, the quicker they attach.

hope this helps. good luck.

O P Ing

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I have T. crocea, T. maxima, T. sqasmosa, T. derasa, and I were able to get all of them to attach. Instead of PVC pipe, I use a concave piece of live rock. The clam sits nicely on the "bowl," and typically in a few days, it will attach.

However, if you or somebody inside the tank keep bothering the clam, it will not attach easily. And if you can't find an appropriate piece of rock, just use a flat piece, and with the help of a screwdriver, you can carve out a nice depression on it for the clam to sit on. Don't stab yourself in your hand.... most live rock is as soft as sponge.

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