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i notice that some people seem to scrape the coraline off the back glass...im starting to think i like this look...

is there any benefit to keeping it on?...

from a post a couple years ago...

"If you have your back glass covered with coraline algae aren't you increasing the amount of calcium and other nutrients that your tank needs?

Coraline algae needs calcium and alkalinity in the saltwater to thrive and I would think that keeping the coraline on the back glass would be taking those needed chemical properties away from the corals that we are trying to keep. This shouldn't really be an issue for those that use calcium reactors but those that are using two-part supplements or other products to keep the Ca/Alk balanced would need to use greater amounts to keep up with the demand."




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Even if you scrape it off new corraline will continue to grow, and the calcium demand will continue on some level. I don't know how much CA it takes up, but I do know that I sure couldn't be bothered scraping my back glass. It will still be growing on the live rock etc. Give in and love it!


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oh i love it!... :lol:

i just dont like how it looks on the back glass...and i wonder if i scrape it will i be inviting other unwanted algae(s) in its place?...

i guess i could scrape it off and crumble it up in the return flow...???....or maybe just let it drop to the back of the tank?...




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you are one of the few who would like to remove coralline from anywhere.

only place i would ever remove it is the front glass. interestingly enough, for the first time, i have about a dime size growing on the front glass.

can't bring myself to remove it. still there.

bring your calcium up to 450 - 500. your corals will be fine.

good luck to you.


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Colraline algea is one of the most important biological filters in your tank! It helps break down waste. So the more there is the better your water conditions will be, provided you can keep up with the calcium demand. I only scrape it of the fronts and sometimes the sides, but never the back.



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I dont think it's a question of how much calcium it uses as it is how much benefit it provides by using nutriets that would otherwise promote other algea growth.

It is allgea after all and uses the same nutriets that most algea do. Ask your self when the last time you saw a tank with the glass covered with corraline and a hair algea problem ?

Roasting Forum


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IMO, the coraline algea is the RESULT of good water parameters, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it :lol:


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ditto with wally,

He wally. 311 is the radio reference code for "nude person" at work.

your username gave me a big chuckle




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heres what i got that got me thinkin about scapin in the first place...its a brown algae that seems to grow on top of the coraline...and the coraline seems faded...

from another post on RC...

"....coralline, covered by Lobophora variagata (brown wafer) in its early stage.

The coralline grows, gets nice and then the Lobo starts growing on the coralline, then I usually scrape off all the Lobophora covered coralline and start from scratch. That's why there is blue patches, I was starting to razor blade the whole back when I got interrupted. Those long rolls/scrolls of coralline just go every where and the fish usually go after them. Somehow, when the lobo gets thick on the glass, the tang and Foxface can't eat it (won't come off).
This stuff really gets on my nerves. I've had it in my tank for a couple years...
The coralline usually covers the clean back wall in a few weeks, then the Lobo grows on top of that... Then it's razor blade time and clear blue back."



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I used to scrape coralline algae off my tank walls, then I gave up. I'm learning to like the look.

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