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I just noticed today that my potters is looking kinda pale or like he has a white film over him. He has been getting ich on and off so there is something definelty bothering him. He is also real twitchy. does anyone know what could be doing this?

Will C1

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the only time i have seen both these conditions in a fish was during an ammonia spike. have you tested the tank lateley?


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How long has it been established in your tank? How much and what is it eating?


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been there for over 2 months. hes been eating spirulina and brine...both soaked in selcon, garlic extreme and zoe.


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well now he doesnt look pale any more, but both of his side fins have a ton of white **** on them. doesnt really look like ich though. I think im going to buy some formalin to add to his water.


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well everyone thanks for all your help :evil:

My potters is now dead with all his fins missing? there is nothing else in the tank with him and i just did a water change the other day. what the hell happened to him!

King Jason

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Well Geez, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm surprised no one responded to your post. I don't have any experience with this angel so couldn't have been any help.

Was the angel eating? What were you feeding it? What other fish are in the tank with it?


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Maybe another thread title issue...I just never looked in here until now because I had nothing to say about a potter's angel being pale...


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honestly, be glad you were able to get him to the two month mark. just picked up your post now or i would have tried to respond earlier. what your fish was experiencing could have been anything from bacteria to viral.

point is, try to avoid potters. they are endemic to hawaii only (but then u knew that) and have very specialized feeding habits, almost exclusively sponges. while spirulina and brine might be ideal for most salts, potters are very specialized.

i have known no one to keep these fish successfully, although i am sure some have. they are gorgeous, no question, but do resist the temptation to get another one.

good luck to you.


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Upstate NY
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DanConnor":102q0ygg said:
Maybe another thread title issue...I just never looked in here until now because I had nothing to say about a potter's angel being pale...

I second that. There's a lot of activity on the board now and sometimes it's tough to keep up with all the posts.

If a situation becomes urgent don't hesitate to make another post letting everyone know that, or edit the title of your original thread and bump it up.

Sorry to hear about your loss. :(

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