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Recent content by howie099

  1. Equipment for a 110 Oceanic?

    There are cheaper devices to help remove nitrates, you go with the item called Nitra-Gon that is about $44. All it is a bunch of platic tubing wound up in a platic tube that you trickle water through
  2. Equipment for a 110 Oceanic?

    Get 2 good reflectors and I would just go with 2- 400w MH since the cost is not much more. Ballasts are up to your pocket book, electronic area bit cheaper on the electric, but ballast & coil are cheaper like the PFO's. Chiller depends on were your tank is placed? I have mine in my base ment...
  3. Xenia Dying???

    I wish mine would stop growing, How about your salt level? Does your PH change from Day and night? You say your at 8.4 but is that in the morning or night? How is your current? Did you check for Phosphates? Mine are very forgiving, I don't to a damn thing and they won't stop gorwning. All I do...
  4. WYSIWYG clam orders on the web?

    Harbor Aquatics in Indiana has a very good selection. They have about 50-100 clams to choose from. Last time time I went there in Sep '01 I bought 3 Ultra Color maximas 1.5'-2'(green/blue striped, blue, purple) and 1 gold (Green,black,blue and gold color)for $90. And all of my clams are still...
  5. Naso Help

    Sounds like popeye, if you go to like Petsmart and that they sell a organic medicine that is from from tree root that does the job it is in a blue bottle, it will not hurt any corals or inverts. I have used twice on 2 different fish, one clown and my Emperor Angel with no problems and it went...
  6. ? Where do you get cheap MH - sorry for the repetitive

    I just bought from www.1000Bulbs.Com. They were the cheapest I found for MH ballast. I just bought a F-Can 400w MH ballast for $45 plus shipping. If you do not know what a F-can is it is a sealed ballast just like a normal NO ballast with 4 wire comming out of it very easy to hookup...
  7. air pockets in sand bed

    I means it is all good, they will be in smaller amounts as time passes on. Your sand bed is starting to work.
  8. tank cycling

    It is looking good, make sure your testkit is right by using it on your other tank. When they get to zero add a fish.
  9. Sand Sifting Stars

    I have 1 sand star in each of my tanks, and they do a good job, the sand looks good to me.
  10. Clams??????????Survey

    I have 3 maximas and 1 Deresa now for about 9 months. No issues with any of them. They are in a 30g w/400 MH light and 95w Antic. I use A&B solution daily with a 10 hour light cycle.
  11. Rate your online supplier...

    I have used these supllier.. Drs. Foster & Smith for 80% of my fish Equipment and daily supplys with no problems ever (they were faster shipping when they were petware house) Harbor Aquatics - for Snals, hermits, clams and LR & LS - I have always picked up my order since I live a 1 1/2 away...

    You need biological(Live Rock/LR, Live Sand/LS,Wet/Dry) filteration to house any marine/fresh water animal what lives in the water. Chemical(charcoal) and Mechanical(filter pads, Skimmers) are good to help the biological out. You need what most people will say Biological and Mechanical to have...
  13. Naso tang

    I hhve mine is 105g tank. I have had him for about 1 1/2 now. They do grow to about 8" or so in captivity, but they are not real fast growers. Mine is about 5" or so now
  14. vho question

    Antics have a differnet spectrum of light light that regular day light bulbs. That is why they say 1/2 day light and 1/2 antic. Antics are more for the plants and that that need that spectrum. Most people add antics to give a bluer appearance and have morning and everying light. But higer the K...
  15. What additives do you use?

    All I use is Kent A&B solution everyday in the morning. I add a bit of trace elements every 2 weeks or so. But that is it. I have my calc level at leat 450 every day. My SPS and clams are showing good growth my xeinas are pulsing. Plus my 495w(400 w MH & 95w VHO anitc) of light on a 30g has a...
