You need biological(Live Rock/LR, Live Sand/LS,Wet/Dry) filteration to house any marine/fresh water animal what lives in the water. Chemical(charcoal) and Mechanical(filter pads, Skimmers) are good to help the biological out.
You need what most people will say Biological and Mechanical to have a healthy tank.
So that means for a pretty reef tank that the corals/clams/fish like is LR. Most people use 1.5 pounds per gallon if you are using Figi LR. Just fill the tank enoguh that about 1/2 or so is LR. Some people like to add so LS to there dead sandbed of Arganite sand to help it out faster get established.
Sandbeds are whole other issue. I put enough to cover the bottom about a 1' of mixed sizes.
You need some critters to help stir up the sand like cukes, sand snails, sand stars, fish, worms.
Of course you will need a good RO/DI water maker or go buy your water for now. If you use regular tap water it might have copper, silicates, phosphates and other bad thinks for your delicate marine life.
Than a good salt mixture. I use IO (Instant Ocean) I really do not care which you use, I mostly get the most reasonable name brand.
Than you need something to make water movement in the tank like powerheads. I would use at least 2 good Maxi-jets 1200s on each end of the tank pointing at each other for now as a good start.
I would get a hang on skimmer about a month or 2 after the tank is setup to do the mechanical filtering
Of couse you will have to wait until your tank cycles until you add animals. Buy a good test kit for this part. All of your reads should be zero Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite before you add fish. Depending on how good your LR is is how long you wait.
You might want a sump/over flow box to skim the surface and provide more O2 exchange, water movement, skimmer home, water adding place and so on. You can drill that tank side if you do not want to buy a overflow box. You can use anything for a sump(old tank or rubbermaid container). Use PCV piping and that for the plumbing and good return pump like a Mag pump or something.
After all of this help that all of these good reefs give you go buy some good books to help you out with pictures