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I will be building my stand and canopy for a new 110 Oceanic Reef ready tank. What do you use for equipment? I would like to keep mainly SPS and Clams in this tank.

Lighting - 2 or 3 250 Watt MH 10K with 2 VHO or PC actinics? Brand of balast? Icecap or PFO?

Filter/Simp? ??

Pumps - Iwanki ? What size?

Chiller? - What size?

I would like a 4 in Sand bed. how much sand?

Sorry for so many questions in one post but have just decided to go with this tank and am researching my options and what has worked in other tanks.

united states recessions


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Start w/ a good book, like Tullock's Natural Reef Aquariums.

Then check out the FAQ: Just the FAQ's, Maam.

Lighting: Depends on what you want to keep, and the dimensions of your tank. I would suggest 1 MH bulb every 2' of tank length, if you plan on MH lighting.

Filter/Sump: You will want a sump. As for filtration, your sand bed and liverock (4-6" deep sand bed, w/ 1.5 to 2 lbs per gal of liverock) is plenty of filtration. You may want to consider a refugium w/ caulerpa.

Pumps: I have a MAK4. There are as many ways to set up circulation as there are members here on Reefs.org. I suggest that you check out the FAQ on closed loop circulation.

Chiller: Man, you must have some dough to burn! I would wait to make sure you need one. I use fans and a temp controller that works great.

My advice to you is that you Read, read and then read some more. When you think you have it all planned out, post your plan here and get some feedback. It will save you thousands in the long run.

I also suggest that you start with a stocking list. Include all the fish, corals and other inverts that you want to have. Plan your system accordingly.

Good Luck.




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I have a 110 reef.

I run two 400 watt 65K bulbs along with PCs and actinics.

My sump is a 40 gallon acrylic tank that I sectioned off into a refugium.

Return pump. I use a Iwaki MD-70RTL, and I have a 3/4" sea swirl.

My chiller is a 1/5hp. I would get a 1/4 because there not that much more.

I would go with 4 to 6" of sand.


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Get 2 good reflectors and I would just go with 2- 400w MH since the cost is not much more.

Ballasts are up to your pocket book, electronic area bit cheaper on the electric, but ballast & coil are cheaper like the PFO's.

Chiller depends on were your tank is placed? I have mine in my base ment with some hood fans and it says around 82 withthe lights (that is a 30g with 400w MH w/95w VHO) I am setting up my new 75g at my new house.

Circulation pump depends on how much water you can pull from tank. Big overflows big pump. Matters on what you want to keep.

For a 4' sand bed you will need about 200lbs of sand. Which is about $33 per 40lbs (unless you find Southdown). I am not fond of thick sand beds, I usually just go for 1.5-2' of sand.

Follow someone else tank that is simular and you will do good. Rememeber you need Biologic filter, water movement, skimmer, lights and big bank account before you start

Have fun


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> For a 4' sand bed you will need about 200lbs of sand. Which is about $33 per 40lbs (unless you find Southdown). I am not fond of thick sand beds, I usually just go for 1.5-2' of sand.


I assume you ment 4", not 4'. For a sand bed to function properly at removing nitrates, it must be at least 4" deep, preferably 6".



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I should have stated that I have had a 46 gallon reef tank for over a year now. This is very addicting. For corals I want to keep mainly SPS and Clams. I have a Ecosystem40 on my 46 and I like it. I may go with a similar filter setup. I was mainly worried about lights and pump size. The tank has 2 overflows with 1 inch holes and 3/4 inch returns. I was debating on 2 400 or 3 250 Watt MH's. I am looking for a bright white look with the corals "glowing". The reason I mentioned a chiller is on my 46 with just PC's the tank hits about 84-86 when it gets really hot outside.

Thanks for the feedback and keep them coming. I will be getting this tank in about 3-4 weeks and want to get the right stuff.

[ March 31, 2002: Message edited by: Rob_Reef_Keeper ]</p>
Cancer - Leukemia Forum


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If you want the corals to "glow" then actinic supplementation is the way to go. I would go with the 2x400W instead of the 3x250's.



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There are cheaper devices to help remove nitrates, you go with the item called Nitra-Gon that is about $44. All it is a bunch of platic tubing wound up in a platic tube that you trickle water through


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
There are cheaper devices to help remove nitrates, you go with the item called Nitra-Gon that is about $44. All it is a bunch of platic tubing wound up in a platic tube that you trickle water through

Success of these devices is disputed. I still recommend a DSB, which by definition is at least 4" deep. From personal experience I can tell you that my sand bed made a world of difference in my tank.



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I have a 110 also that is built into one of my walls.
I use a Mak 4 for return (it has two ball valves, one going to each return to the tank which are "throttled back" slightly)

I use an Iwaki 30 RLXT for my ev200 skimmer.

I also use a converted wet/dry as a 30 gallon sump,(am planning to upgrade this to a 75 gallon custom sump in the near future)and a 5 gallon tank as a refugium.

LIGHTS, I use two PFO 400 watt 12k pendants on each side and a 250 watt 10k with two 28watt actinic pc's for the center. (these are the rectangular pendants hung by chain. This makes it real easy to adjust the light just right.)

Since mine is built in I was able to create a small room behind the tank to house all the equipment. The back wall of the room is cinderblock which has a crawl space on the other side. I put a 6,000 btu ac unit right through the wall to keep things cool. Works great!

Hope this helps you out some, Lee

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