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Just how good or bad are sand sifting stars??? I have 100 pds LS in an 85 gal. and have just purchased a sand sifting star. I always thought they were benefical but is this a myth?? Do they cause more problems than they can solve???

Mike and Donna

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I think the general wisdom is that you should avoid most (all) sanding sifting anythings. They eat good critters, and disturb the nitrogen cycle bacteria that you are trying to establish in the DSB.


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Unless your tank is 6+ months old, I would say your star may end up starving to death.
IMO I think the sand sifting cukes are a better choice.


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I had one for a while, however when I switched over to a new tank it died. I think there wasn't enough to eat for him in the new tank. Although he may have been eating beneficial critters in the sand, the sand never looked better and there always appeared to be plenty of little creatures running around.


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