I had 13 maximas for over one year.
I added a daresa clam one day that had some illness and less than two weeks later I had no clams. Make sure you quartine for at least
two weeks.(IMO) During all of this my blue leg
hermets started a feeding frenzy on all of the
infected clams and some that may not have been.
I had 2 maximas and a squamosa. I only have one Maxmia now due to the fact that one toppled off its perch and landed face down and never recovered. All 3 were doing great until that unfortunate accident and the 2 that I have now are still thriving and growing well.
Dan I've had my blue maxima for well over 12 months now. He only ever gets fed indirectly, mainly via frozen foods.
He is sitting on the crushed coral substrate under 150 watt MH's (3/150 across a 6x2x2).
He has grown some in that time probably from 110 mm to 130 mm now.
I still run bio balls and a small algea scrubber.
He receives moderate water flow, i use mainly
artifical water, auto top up with kalk, i add
seachem builder twice a week, and seachem calcium only once every 2 weeks maybe.
Salifert test kits.
ph 8.3
kh 10.2
phos .01
cal 300 - 400
nitrate 20-25
About the only clam I can't keep is a Squamosa. I don't know why but they just don't do good in my tank. It could be that I can't find one over three inches.
I have found all my clams including the Derasa do best if they have a solid foot hold. I burry flat rocks in the sand for them to grab hold.
150 gal reef 48" x 24" x 30" with 2x250 watt double ended HQI's and a 400 watt Iwasaki.....
I have one maxima and have had him for about 2 months he has grown a lot and seems to be doing great. I dont feed him anything exciting just regular fish food...
I have a lone crocea (which I picked up 'used' from a guy tearing his tank down) which is doing well.
I like them, as they help filter the tank naturally. They pull out their fair share of organics.
Mine is close to my light and also where he catches natural sunlight. I had to get my Coral Beauty out of the tank, as it was biting off pieces of his edges.
I also had to place the clam in a cradled area of rock, as it kept throwing itself off ledges by moving around. I don't want it on the sand, because sand irritates clams.
My next one will be a derasa. They are hardy and captive raised. IMO derasas are the most beautiful too.
Aren't all comercially available derasas tank-raised or captive-bred?
[ March 13, 2002: Message edited by: MandarinFish ]</p>
I have kept one deresa and 2 crocea's for 1-1/2 years in my 75G reef. Put them all in the sand. I just lost the deresa when I changed to MH lamps. I didn't throttle the photoperiod back enough. They all thrived under 440W vho. 2 actinic, 2- aquasuns. The dersa probably grew 2" in a year and a half. I used Seachem Reef Advantage and Reef Builder to maintain CA and ALK (I have since change to Bionic).
My setup is a berlin. 130# LR. 60# LS. Wet dry without the bioballs for a sump. Protein skimmer and a couple of maxi-jet 1200 on a wavemaker power strip.
Clams are easy to keep with good lighting and water quality. I believe I'll be getting a new one to replace the lost deresa.
I have 3 maximas and 1 Deresa now for about 9 months. No issues with any of them. They are in a 30g w/400 MH light and 95w Antic. I use A&B solution daily with a 10 hour light cycle.
I have one maxima and three croceas. I have had the maxima for 14 months and the croceas for 11 months. All are thriving and doing well.
tim00 and sparks, clams don't eat frozen food or fish food. Large clams get a lot of their nutrition from the light and feeding phytoplankton is very helpful, they filter the water through their systems and get nutrition out of the water in the forms of microscopic stuff. I highly recommend Daniel Knopp's Giant Clams book. It is a great read and very informative on the care of clams. I have another maxima coming next week, hopefully, just depends on quality.
as you see I have a 4" Derasa, large 7" Maxima and 3" Squamosa sitting together on the SB directly under (18") 1 x 250W 10K MH. I feed Krill, Coral Heaven and/or DT's sparingly once a week.
Geeze pathos, how the heck did you get ahold of a purple derasa clam!?!? WOW! That's the nicest derasa i've ever seen!
I have 3 maxima's, 1 squamosa, and 1 derasa. One of the maxima's is completely covered in orange centered button polyps, been that way for over a year now with no apparent side effects. They lived before under a 250w Iwasaki, now they reside in my new tank under dual 400w iwasakis, all at the bottom except the button polyp covered max.
An interesting note, i've had the squamosa for over a year, it showed absolutely 0 growth while in my old tank under the 250 but 3 months in the brand new tank under the 400's, it's put 3/8" on, and it's only around 2" long.