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what are the benifits of using iodine anyway? the guy at my LFS said I needed it so thats why I bought it.


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by greenbud:
<strong>None. I do have a reactor, if I didn't I would add b-ionic.

Iodine causes molting because it irritates the exoskeleton. Ask Dr. Ron who specializes in this, on reefcentral.</strong><hr></blockquote>

If I don't dose iodine, my star polyps close up. They won't open again unless I start adding iodine again. Water changes aren't enough for them.

I'm not sure what kind of polyps they are, I've never seen a picture that matches them well enough to identify. They are one of the forms that grows from a pinkish/purple encrusting matt. Very delicate looking almost feather-like tanish polyps with very pretty flourecent (under actinic light) green highlights.


randy holmes-farley

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Arlington, MA
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That's a very interesting observation, and seems to be the closest thing to a direct cause and effect relationship that I've seen posted about iodine.

What type of iodine do you dose, and how much/often?


randy holmes-farley

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Arlington, MA
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< Looks like you've been talking with Bingman.
What levels to you keep said halogens at?>

Yes, I was alerted to the concerns about them from Craig.

I treat each a bit different:

Since fluoride isn't present in most salt mixes, I bring the salt mix up to NSW levels of F-. Then, I add a NSW amount of F- approximately every 3 months. Since Craig initially reported it to rapidly deplete, he hasn't said much. When I asked him a while ago, he simply replied that he was still working on the issue. I figure that once ever 3 months for something that depletes is quite conservative, and should never result in concentrations much above NSW.

Since bromide isn't present in most salt mixes, I bring the salt mix up to NSW levels of Br-. Then, I add a NSW amount of Br- approximately every 12 months. I recall Craig saying that Br- didn't deplete very fast, but many organisms clearly do use it. I figure that once per year, even if it doesn't deplete is conservative, and shouldn't result in concentrations much above NSW (since I do water changes periodically).

I add a NSW amount of I- (0.02 ppm) approximately 1-2 times per week as NaI. In my experience, I- is rapidly depleted (1-2 days), and this dosing regimen did not (and now should not, though I no longer routinely measure it) cause any buildup of I-.

I add iron exclusively for the growth of macroalgae. In the first year or so that my refugium was set up, it was eventually overrun with microalgae. Someone suggested dosing iron, and when I did so, the microalgae disappeared (presumably because the iron boosted the macro at the expense of the micro). I dose quite a lot of iron (II) citrate (way, way above NSW levels which are often limiting to algae growth). I took the initial dose from a Tullock book, but then altered it as I found appropriate. I've never noticed substantial microalgae growth to make me stop the iron dosing, but I wouldn't do it unless I had a macro or turf algae scrubbing system.


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I have.....

Kent super buffer DKH
Reef complete
reef carbonate
kent strotium and molybedium
reef plus
kent microvert

I originally used.....

reef complete
reef carbonate
and Superbuffer

until my calcium, alkalinity, and buffering capacity/ph reached the desired levels

I currently use......

Kalwasser drip for all topoff
kent molybedium and strodium
reef plus (for iodine and vitamin c)
Kent microvert

(my polyups have multiplied since using this and i have two anenomes that seem to look better with its use)

I dont do water changes except on the rarest of occassions maybe 3 months and only about 15 % when I do.
Mercedes Benz W154


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I don't dose Iodine and GSP are the fastest growing coral in my tank, go figure! I propogate them and sell to LFS they grow so fast.

I dose kalk, that's it. Once a month 20% water change.

[ November 21, 2001: Message edited by: dragon0121 ]</p>


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Turbo Calcium
Superbuffer dKH

Coral Vite
Tech I
Turbo Strontium

I used to dose the Kent 2-part but it is much cheaper to use Turbo and Superbuffer. I would love a calcium reactor.


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Only thing I dose is B-ionic.

I used to add Combisan and Lugol's. I've stopped using both, and it didn't seem to slow down my Xenia growth at all. I have some GSP in another tank that open up but haven't spread in ages, I think I will start adding Lugol's to it and see what happens.


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Randy Holmes-Farley:

That's a very interesting observation, and seems to be the closest thing to a direct cause and effect relationship that I've seen posted about iodine.

What type of iodine do you dose, and how much/often?


That SeaChem stuff. Reef Iodide.

2 mL twice a week.



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And, I'll continue to use it (reef iodide) after I get the new tank w/calcium reactor set up. That should be all I need after that.... Can't wait!

Used to use all that kent stuff, but you have to add sofa king much and it costs sofa king much that it seemed like more of a rip off than the seachem products were.

Happy Turkey Day!


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All I use is Kent A&B solution everyday in the morning. I add a bit of trace elements every 2 weeks or so. But that is it. I have my calc level at leat 450 every day. My SPS and clams are showing good growth my xeinas are pulsing. Plus my 495w(400 w MH & 95w VHO anitc) of light on a 30g has a little bit to help :).

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