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Had this xenia now for about 4 months. It was growing real nice. It now has shrunk and the tenticals are all limp. Nitrates are at 0.. Ph is 8.4.. Ammo is 0.. I drip kalk at night. Alk is 8.4 Haven't checked Ca. in about a week, but i figure it's good. One other thing...I had a coral banded and cleaner shrimp that both died a few weeks ago, but fish are doing fine...Tang.. 2 clowns..a blue damsel and a bi color angel. Is it strange that both inverts died right around the same time? What could be the problem??


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Hmmm... Invert's dying randomly smells fishy, are there any other inverts in the tank? If not, maybe something got in the tank, like copper. It's hard to venture a guess w/out knowing more, are there any other living inverts in the tank? What kind of lighting are you running?


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Ya...I thought that was funny also. No there isn't any more inverts in the tank now. I didn't use copper or any medication in the tank. Also i noticed that my snails are not doing well, but fish are doing real well. As for lighting i have 4-55 watt pc's...and 175 MH. Tank also has about a 6 inch sand bed.


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did you notice the shrimp molt at all?? if not your iodine level might be low. xenia like a pretty high and constant level. just a thought....


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I wish mine would stop growing, How about your salt level? Does your PH change from Day and night? You say your at 8.4 but is that in the morning or night? How is your current? Did you check for Phosphates?

Mine are very forgiving, I don't to a damn thing and they won't stop gorwning. All I do is add A&B solution every day and things are like weeds I also havea 4000W MH bulb over them I could not tell you the settings, becuase I do not check anyhting but calcium and salt level since the SPS's look fine and the clams look good. In my new reff tank so more Xeina, they are a pain in the A$$.


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inverts and some corals like xenia not doing well can be the first sign of something wrong in the tank. If you had just xenia dying I would've said that you had xenia crash but inverts dying at the same time. Big water change is good idea as Anthony Calfo the Author of Book Of Coral Propagation (good book) said ," (when in doubt, do a water change...or: Dilution is the Solution to Polution)Check to see if all of your fish are alive and you don't have dead fish somewhere in the tank. It might be chlorine!! if you smell chlorine then Use some amquel immediately and don't use the buckets that you already used before. Also check for any new equipment and see if you have brass that is not salwater approve if not the other kind will have copper in the alloy. Check all of your pumps to make sure they are all working. If you have ampmeter to see if you can detect and stray voltage. If you have RIO then check them and see if they are running and open it and check it.


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Yes the shrimp did molt. One thing is that the last time the coral banded did molt it lost one of it's claws. I thought nothing of it, figured it would just grow another one back. I did do a water change when this did start to happened. Now is the xenia dead?? It's still limp and the tenticals don't do anything. I did move it higher in the tank and put a little more current on it. Don't want it to foul my whole tank, so im wondering if i should take it out...


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I wouldn't take it out unless it starts to rot. Xenia get limp when they are not happy. Check you Iodine level, and raise your alk - xenia like it high. It may take a while to recover, but it should.



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One guy asked before but salinity for me has been the key. What is yours? Xenia tend to like it high. At least 1.235 but I keep mine at 1.25


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
One guy asked before but salinity for me has been the key. What is yours? Xenia tend to like it high. At least 1.235 but I keep mine at 1.25

Do you mean 1.0235 and 1.025?


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