wow...well you people have officially lost the interest of the "common man"
At the beginning this sounded like a great idea, but it has become far too complex for most people. If you are trring to raise money from the "average" person, it is best to keep it so an "average" person can...
Then why did RedSea put it in there. You think they don't know what they are doing?
You can also remove the heater from your car, but Ford would probably tell you to leave it in there.
As I said before...
It seems there are so many people here just trying to prove how much they know (when they really don't know squat) rather than having an interest in helping a "newbie"
Look at almost every thread and there are major differences in opinions. Worse yet the conflicting...
I agree with sslarison...the reason newbies use this is for POLITE suggestions and comments, not to have self proclaimed experts try and prove how much they know and force their beliefs on the rest of the world.
as a customer you shouldn't have to "exhaust all avenues". It should have been done right in the first place. You should have received what you paid for without the hassle. I am glad everything worked out for you.
I got 75 pounds of live rock. They told me that should be enough. I took all of the fish out and flushed them. Just kidding, the store is keeping them for me. Since I bought a bunch of stuff they promised to hold them for me until I am ready. I got some test kits but they are very...
maybe a good book would help. I just bought a good book and it has a lot of info on different fish and tanks. I hear that live rock is a good thing to put in a new tank if you do get one. I just bought a bunch of live rock for my 50 gallon tank. Don't start off with fish because they will...
I bought Red Sea Skimmer. I also bought Custom Sea Life dual 175 metal halide with 2 more power compact 65 attic. It is cool, it has fans and everything. I bought a red sea wavemaker and some powerheads. The live rock they said is fully cured and has stuff living on it. I am quite excited...