Honey, he is not joking. I've only had a few customers like Mr. Rogan, and those that didn't change their attitudes were escorted to the door.
John, what that shop is pulling on you is BOLLOCKS! First they set you up with a system that IS doomed to fail, then they're gonna do you the "favor" of storing the fish (for a friggin' fee???) until you can get your setup going? GIVE ME A BREAK! I hate to tell you this, but they smelled you coming a mile away. A shop run like this has no scruples, and if they know that you've got money out the yingyang they're gonna milk you like a free cow if you let 'em.
I have no idea how you paid them, but I would demand my money back, return everything I purchased from them (for ALL money back), read more than one book, and never darken their threshold again. These folks are rip-off artists extraordinaire.
The most difficult thing about keeping salties is the learning. Once you have knowledge, you have power. The subject is clearly so expansive that we couldn't begin to give you all the knowledge necessary in this one post. The book mentioned is a very good book, by a man I know personally, and he knows his schtuff for sure, but there is MUCH more information out there, too.
The second most difficult part about keeping salties is that (while you're a noob at least) you can't have good AND quick--it all takes lots of patience. And a quarantine system!
I'm still pissed off about that shop. Man... :evil: