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well, as suggested I have taken my first step. I bought a book and I am going to start reading it this afternoon and hope to finish it over the weekend. I talked to the local fish store and they are willing to take the fish and store them until I am ready for them. They are going to charge me a fee for each fish because he said they need to quaranteen them. Does this seem right? They also said that I don't want to keep the Trigger in the same tank so they may be willing to buy it from me after a quaranteen period. Thanks to all for your help!


The Pirate

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What nobody has explained is that no matter what brand or type filter you have the fish need certain types of bacteria to exist in our closed environment we call the tank. This bacteria cannot be bought with cash but only with time. When you put the first fish into the tank you also set in motion a chain reaction of mass-producing the bacteria that breaks down the waste products the fish excretes from it's gills and anus. These bacteria’s live primarily on any surface inside the tank. If you buy some live rock you are really buying an extremely peruse decretive item already rich with the bacteria you so desperately need. As a rule of thumb expect 7 days for the first bacteria to be strong enough to break down the ammonia and then 21 more days to allow the next one to multiply enough to break down the nitrite into nitrate. If either of these are not broken down fast enough the fish will die from it's own toxins just as you would if you were locked in a air tight room. A really good protein skimmer can help shorten the time but you won't know without a test kit.


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All of what pirate explained will be info found in Bob Fenner's book. You are lucky you will get some money back for those fish. That was a good move. Most likely if u want a reef tank, u will have to lose the trigger fish. They will eat corals and crabs and other stuff in the tank. Good luck and make sure u carefully read that book. It is a large book so take your time.


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The new setup is doing well because I took out the fish and added live rock. I spent $2000 over the weekend on live rock, protein skimmer, metal halide lighting and some other accessories. I hope this method works better.

The Pirate

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What kind of goodies did you get and why didn't you ask about those products before throwing cash out. You should question your fish store after the last fiasco but instead you throw more money at them?! Tell me you didn't.


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Sounds better. What type of skimmer did u buy? Where did u buy your live rock? Where did u buy your halides and what type are they? We just want to help. For future reference, you should always ask the people here what are good brands and so forth so that u do not waste money. Before you buy something just ask for some opinions. Fill us in on your progress.


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I bought Red Sea Skimmer. I also bought Custom Sea Life dual 175 metal halide with 2 more power compact 65 attic. It is cool, it has fans and everything. I bought a red sea wavemaker and some powerheads. The live rock they said is fully cured and has stuff living on it. I am quite excited now. I am thinking of buying a bigger tank with plumbing and stuff already in it. Do I still use the canister filter if I am using the Skimmer now?

The Pirate

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Congratulations! It sounds like you got some nice stuff. Now your on the right path. Do you have any fish in the system right now? You might want to start out with some hardier fish like Damsels. I assume you also got some test kits. What is your Ammonia and Nitrite levels? How much rock did you get? You can keep the canister filter on for water polishing but the rock and skimmer are the main filters.


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I got 75 pounds of live rock. They told me that should be enough. I took all of the fish out and flushed them. Just kidding, the store is keeping them for me. Since I bought a bunch of stuff they promised to hold them for me until I am ready. I got some test kits but they are very confusing. I am starting to figure them out. I also bought some electronic tester of some type. I haven't opened them yet.

The Pirate

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A refugium is a small sub ecosystem separate from the main system but shares the same water. The purpose of it is to have a place to allow plants and small organisms to thrive and not be disturbed by hungry fish or strong water currents. The plants absorb nutrients and the critters help to feed the system.

Will C1

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when i first started reading this post i tought for shure he's joking but now im not so shure...the lights are good the wave maker is good power heads placed correctly are good, 75lbs live rock in a 50 also good. i dont like the berlin skimmer i have one its starting to puke out. now if youre serious about a refuguim you can buy an overflow box made by acrylic creations (the same brand i use) and this will run to a sump underneath the tank i have some detailed pics on this and how the water runs thru it if you want e mail me and i will send them to you. in this seperate tank under the main tank you can palce your skimmer in there and also a 5" deep sand bed with a seperate light and some culerpa this is additonal filtration and is very benifical to my tanks.


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Honey, he is not joking. I've only had a few customers like Mr. Rogan, and those that didn't change their attitudes were escorted to the door.

John, what that shop is pulling on you is BOLLOCKS! First they set you up with a system that IS doomed to fail, then they're gonna do you the "favor" of storing the fish (for a friggin' fee???) until you can get your setup going? GIVE ME A BREAK! I hate to tell you this, but they smelled you coming a mile away. A shop run like this has no scruples, and if they know that you've got money out the yingyang they're gonna milk you like a free cow if you let 'em.

I have no idea how you paid them, but I would demand my money back, return everything I purchased from them (for ALL money back), read more than one book, and never darken their threshold again. These folks are rip-off artists extraordinaire.

The most difficult thing about keeping salties is the learning. Once you have knowledge, you have power. The subject is clearly so expansive that we couldn't begin to give you all the knowledge necessary in this one post. The book mentioned is a very good book, by a man I know personally, and he knows his schtuff for sure, but there is MUCH more information out there, too.

The second most difficult part about keeping salties is that (while you're a noob at least) you can't have good AND quick--it all takes lots of patience. And a quarantine system!

I'm still pissed off about that shop. Man... :evil:


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As for the refugium, i would not set it up until a later time. I dont think you should worry about it for now. If you have test kits, test for ammonia and nitrites. Once they both reach 0ppm u can slowly start adding fishes like damsels and or clowns. Do not expect to have corals for about 6 months. Did u get Fenners book yet? Sounds like you are off to a very good start. Berlin is not a really good skimmer but it might do for your 50gal. I heard they have problems. Keep us updated. For future reference, i think those lights will do just fine later on with soft corals.


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I had a feeling you weren't jiving us.

Looks like you are finally off to a good start. You cannot rush stuff. Now that you have your stuff, set it up and wait a while. You're going to need some test kits ( ammonia, phosphate, nitrite/nitrates at least) to monitor water and also a pH probe. Resist the urge to put anything in there right now. You're talking probably a month at least. In the mean time, keep reading and asking.

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