I am in the market for getting a new large tank. Hoping to make this one last me through at least grad school but who knows. After kicking around several ideas I wanted to get some feedback on the following footprints - if you own them, problems with size/location, lighting issues , maintenance issues:
the Cube , this was going to be it before I thought about not being to keep any larger free swimming fish. It would be a 36x36x36 cube made of 3/4" acrylic. Originally I was going to go with a centrally located overflow and put a 6" edge around the top of the tank for bracing. Problems with this obviously would be wierd lighting (36" maybe 30ish after sand bed) configurations , aforementioned restrictions on species kept and maintenance would be a royal pain especially if I go with the 30" stand I was going to build. Was going to go with central overflow and build rockwork around it. Water flow might be an issue so was thinking of plumbing a few smaller return lines in lieu of dangling a bunch of powerheads down the center of the tank. I think it would look great for a reef tank but woudl have some real limitations on livestock.
Standard 180 - 72 x 24 x24. Was going to have this possibly made locally from acrylic also or just buy and oceanic or AGA. 2 corner overflows best? I have seen this many times of course but the only reason I wouldn't commit to it is I may end up going FOWLR instead and keep some type of Pomacanthus sp or go reef and make a sohal tang the last fish I add. In both cases the tang and angel not sure it would give them the swimming room (more worried about sohal having little space to turn at ends of tank - granted this may be years off where size is an issue but don't want to cramp him or buy a new tank).
Standard 300? - 96 x 30 x 24 . I really like the dimensions on this but have no clue as to what I would need for circulation on this. Thinking a tank this size if I choose the rockwork to leave lots of swimming room I could definitely give either the tang or the angel sufficient swimming room. How many / location of overflows do current 300g owners have? Any reccomendations on circulation? I looked into getting a couple of the new Tunze Stream pumps but even being powerful I'm not sure I could get good flow across the tank. Might put them on a wavemaker and drill back for a closed loop too? Drawbacks to doing acrylic this size other than cost or chance of bowing? Guy who was going to make the cube wanted to go 3/4" over the standard 1/2". Would 3/4" be ok here for acrylic - if I had to move up to 1" acrylic it would go out of my price range. Maybe will just do glass just not crazy about the additional weight though Im sure moving the acrylic 300g would be no picnic either.
Other than the aforementioned fish would likely be a mixed LPS / SPS tank on the 180/300 if I go reef, possibly softies if I go with the cube and reef.
Any feedback appreciated before I end up dropping 1k on a new tank.
the Cube , this was going to be it before I thought about not being to keep any larger free swimming fish. It would be a 36x36x36 cube made of 3/4" acrylic. Originally I was going to go with a centrally located overflow and put a 6" edge around the top of the tank for bracing. Problems with this obviously would be wierd lighting (36" maybe 30ish after sand bed) configurations , aforementioned restrictions on species kept and maintenance would be a royal pain especially if I go with the 30" stand I was going to build. Was going to go with central overflow and build rockwork around it. Water flow might be an issue so was thinking of plumbing a few smaller return lines in lieu of dangling a bunch of powerheads down the center of the tank. I think it would look great for a reef tank but woudl have some real limitations on livestock.
Standard 180 - 72 x 24 x24. Was going to have this possibly made locally from acrylic also or just buy and oceanic or AGA. 2 corner overflows best? I have seen this many times of course but the only reason I wouldn't commit to it is I may end up going FOWLR instead and keep some type of Pomacanthus sp or go reef and make a sohal tang the last fish I add. In both cases the tang and angel not sure it would give them the swimming room (more worried about sohal having little space to turn at ends of tank - granted this may be years off where size is an issue but don't want to cramp him or buy a new tank).
Standard 300? - 96 x 30 x 24 . I really like the dimensions on this but have no clue as to what I would need for circulation on this. Thinking a tank this size if I choose the rockwork to leave lots of swimming room I could definitely give either the tang or the angel sufficient swimming room. How many / location of overflows do current 300g owners have? Any reccomendations on circulation? I looked into getting a couple of the new Tunze Stream pumps but even being powerful I'm not sure I could get good flow across the tank. Might put them on a wavemaker and drill back for a closed loop too? Drawbacks to doing acrylic this size other than cost or chance of bowing? Guy who was going to make the cube wanted to go 3/4" over the standard 1/2". Would 3/4" be ok here for acrylic - if I had to move up to 1" acrylic it would go out of my price range. Maybe will just do glass just not crazy about the additional weight though Im sure moving the acrylic 300g would be no picnic either.
Other than the aforementioned fish would likely be a mixed LPS / SPS tank on the 180/300 if I go reef, possibly softies if I go with the cube and reef.
Any feedback appreciated before I end up dropping 1k on a new tank.