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Hello all,

Ok, I am in need of adding some fish to my tank. I currently have a maroon clown hosted in a bta, a squas clam, a cleaner shrimp, lots of various coral, hermits, snails ect.

I would like to add a couple of new fish but would like some advice. Also, the maroon is a bit possessive of his tank. He does not even like me to stick my hand in there.

Here are some I am considering.

1) six line wrasse. Nice looking and potential benefit to the clam.

2) bangai cardinal. A pair. Also nice looking, but concerned about the maroon attacking them.

3) some type of blenny or goby. Not a jaw fish. I had two of these commit suicide on me.

4) yellow tang. Yes I know many forbid them in a 29 gallon, but with just two or possibly three fish, lots of rock work and hiding places, and the fact that I plan to upgrade to a 90 or 120 gallon within a year (before the tank would grow very much) than maybe he would go well. The lfs has some small yellows on sale right now.

Any suggestions?

Expos Forever

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lots of rock work = not much swimming room for your tang. If you're planning on upgrading anyways please consider waiting to buy a Tang until you have your bigger tank.


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I just broke down my 3yr old 29g. I never had over 3 small fish in it at one time. If I did it would really cause a riot with the pecking order everytime.

Sorry, but the Tang is a huge NO! A Tang in a 29g will stress and die very quickly. It would almost be cruel. Please don't attempt it.

Some to consider...

Stay to smaller fish and non-messy eaters and you should be fine.


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Ok no tang even thought they are very cool. I don't want the hassel if I get ick either.

I am leaning to a six line. Thus I need a third or at the most third and fourth.

Also, having a new dsb, I can not get anything that needs to feed off of the dsb. Also, since the dsb is already small in a 29, I would probably be best to avoid anything that will burrow and disrupt the dsb correct?

Also, I typically have little algea, so anything that feeds soley on algea would not be a good idea either.

Also, something that will be able to hold its own with a maroon?

Thanks for your help.

Will C1

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blenny's would be good, or gobys, they will stay typically in the lower region of the tank and away from the mean old maroon.


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I think I will get a six line and one of the following,

-bicolor blenny
-midas blenny
-clown goby
-longnose hawkfish.

Which would be best?


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I'd say midas blenny or clown goby. The hawks tend to have problems with wrasses especially the lined wrasses ime. The bicolor blenny isn't a planktonic feeder like the midas so it might be seen as a threat to the wrasse and cause conflict since they patrol the same areas.


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thanks for that very good reply. I think the six line and the midas then will be my new fish to keep my maroon company. Of course once I read up a little about them :lol:

Thanks Cal3v and everyone.

Any rebuttels to this?


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I myself would pull the Clown out..get a Flame Hawk......A small Foxface (two inches not including the tail)......and a Royal Gramma. That clown you got is goin to drive you nuts! Trust me! :idea:

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