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I regret after a very long absent from this board.....so long I forgot my name here, that I would come back with such a negative post. Jeff from exoticfish.com is addressing my concerns, and perhaps I should have given him more time to do so. Can you please delete my thread concerning him and his store, and this one as well. Thank you. I do see however the board is very active, so perhaps I will begin posting here again on lighter subject matter. Sorry, and will you please remove that post...he is making things right, and I no longer feel my post is warranted.


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Thanks for telling us about your experience and I'm glad that everything worked out well for you. If it's OK with you, I'd like to not remove this thread so people understand why your original thread was moved out of this forum.



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sammy, man I resisted posting this yesterday as it was my intention to do so, but saw no use jumping on. . . But since its being worked out, I'll paste back what I saved.

Sammy, I think that you should exhaust your avenues before something like this is posted. While I certainly don't have experience dealing with Jeff it doesn't even look like any recourse was even explored. If this is not true, please accept my apologies. If you explore that avenue and don't get the satisfactory results that you wanted in a fair and equitable way for all parties then a general vent of your experiences would be called for to bring attention to the situation. As it stands currently, everyone is going to 'live through' your experience as you deal with them - and this is well after your initial post. Now, granted that external pressure certainly helps, but its also not a 'true' experience and perhaps exerts undue outside influence to resolve a situation that is not reflective of their actual treatment of customers. . . . Dunno, but I understand what prompted your initial outburst as its always disappointing and upsetting to not get what you believe you paid for. . .

I do find it strange that your venting your experiences on reefs and RC but not on your 'home' board where people listen to you most :). ok, ok, I think I know the reason why, but i couldn't resist the ribbing :). Hopefully you'll resolve it amicably and all will turn out well as it doesn't serve the hobby well.



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as a customer you shouldn't have to "exhaust all avenues". It should have been done right in the first place. You should have received what you paid for without the hassle. I am glad everything worked out for you.


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JohnRogan":2j450cvy said:
as a customer you shouldn't have to "exhaust all avenues". It should have been done right in the first place. You should have received what you paid for without the hassle. I am glad everything worked out for you.

I slightly disagree. I think you should at least hear back initially from the company before posting a thread titled "Don't buy from Company X". I think bashing a company before giving them the benifit of the doubt and a chance to make things right is bad form, as there are many reasons a bad shipment could have gone out that involve no malice or attempt to rip off the customer.


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I agree with Righty. I resent the fact that two BBs were used to try and extort Jeff's Exotic Fish to take some action, before speaking with Jeff and allowing him to correct the situation without the threat of the "Don't buy from Jeff's" thread.

Your militant "I'm going to spread this everywhere" attitude in your original post, coupled with the "can I take it back now that I'm satisfied" conclusion to this whole affair annoys me incredibly. I realize that your BB won't allow you to post about any other commercial enterprise (or even BB), but I was offended by your posts here and on RC.

Just my thoughts and feelings,


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