Speaking on behalf of Reefs.org....
There's a few things that need to be made clear. First, this is NOT the James Wiseman Salt Study.
Second, this is NOT the John Link Salt Study.
Third, it should also go without saying that it also is not the Ron Shimek Salt Study, the Eric Borneman Salt Study or the Randy Holmes-Farley Salt Study.
This is the Inland Reef salt study, and I find it in exceptionally poor taste that those who fronted, supported, reviewed and published Dr Shimek's salt article are attempting to take control over it (John Link said, "I think Eric and Randy would be much better choices to lead this effort." whereas Eric said, "I also strongly suggest that Randy, Habib and Craig should ultimately lead this project").
Tom and Matt of Inland have been extremely gracious throughout this, eagerly accepting suggestions, advice and input. For this they have been rewarded by having their competency not only questioned, but actually dismissed. "Good intentions aside", Eric indicates, this project should be taken away from them.
Tom and Matt have also been accused of a lack of integrity by JohnL, who characterized them as "unfair" and "self-serving" (Posted: 14 Mar 2003 03:50). This, in response to Tom and Matt stating, "We are the ones who proposed doing this test and will carry it out." Even in the face of this blatant provocation, Tom and Matt have remained graceful and receptive to further input from John.
May I make a suggestion? No, better yet, allow me to let Dr Ron Shimek make a suggestion:
"Fine, do some tests and write up your results like this if you wish."
excerpt from this thread
"If you or anyone wishes to try to disprove my hypothesis, go for it."
excerpt from this thread
Ron has very clearly taken the attitude on several occasions in the past that when it comes to his experiments, he will do them as he chooses and if someone doesn't like it, tough, it's not their experiment. Tom and Matt haven't taken that line. Instead, they've actively sought input from others -- yet the basic respect awarded to Ron, that his project is his project, no one elses, is curiously withheld from Tom and Matt by the same people who so strenuously defended Ron's right to that position.
It certainly appears from JohnL's posts in this thread that he wishes RC and his paid staff (Eric, Ron, Randy) to assume a leadership role in this project. However, it's not their project. It's not Reefs.org's project, although we support it as much as we can and have lent our resources to providing Tom and Matt as much help as we can. It's Inland Reef's project, no one elses.
Allow me to publicly and directly ask JohnL the following questions:
1. Will you support Tom and Matt's study, under their vision and leadership?
2. You have been accepting donations from members, both ours and yours, pledged towards Inland's study. As I'm sure some of those who have donated are wondering, will you still be making the donation (and matching it from your own funds) in their name to the Inland project? If not, will you be refunding donations to those who used you to donate through?
3. A few days ago one of our ops, Shane Graber (Liquid), posted similiar questions on Reef Central. His post was deleted in a matter of hours. Can you explain that behaviour, when we've let you and your paid employees (Eric, for example) and your volunteers (Jim Fox) take shots at us in this very thread?
John, I know it's usually your policy to ignore any hard questions that are asked of you publicly. However, based on the sheer number of your own posts within this thread, it will be impossible for you to pretend to have not seen these questions. Will you not extend the courtesy to us of actually providing straight answers to these questions?
The beneficiaries of the study are hobbyists that frequent boards such as these. There is no reason to let site rivalry get in the way of science. In that case, not only the hobbyist loses, but also the very organisms we
intend to keep healthy in our tanks.
I feel quite certain that Tom & Matt will continue to take all the feedback, criticism and advice that's offered to them, and I encourage that to continue. What Reefs.org does not encourage is the attitude that Tom & Matt somehow do not measure up to the task of taking on this project -- after all, they have an excellent history of and reputation for professional product testing and review.
As RC Moderator Jim Fox said in this thread -- albeit immediately after making a personal attack of his own -- "We all (supposedly) have the same goals, the spreading of knowledge in order to help the hobby. Let's try to remain focused here, shall we? "