I already answered that exact question when Shane asked in the thread where his post was deleted. Here's the original answer that is still posted there, and it is the same as that which I reposted here. It should not be news to anyone that had actually looked at the thread where the posts were deleted:
http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthrea ... genumber=1
I stepped in here as one of the people that is most involved in RC and also RDO. Sort of like a mediator, one might say.
The things that have been deleted relate to the handling of money, not having anything to do with designs or purposes of studies. There does not need to be a public discussion of how RC handles it's money, IMO. However, that is just my opinion. John may feel differently, and may choose to take up the discussion of money publicly or privately with you and others.
I'm sure that anyone that has committed money through RC that has questions about it can have them answered by John or others if they just ask.
Randy Holmes-Farley
Want to talk chemistry? Try the Reef Chemistry Forum
http://reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisp ... orumid=112
Here, if you want to reopen James's posts you can have them too. Since this thread is apparently no longer a scientific discussion, but a debate about who did what to who and when did they do it, it fits right in
Hi Randy,
Thanks for the reply, I think there is certainly a misunderstanding here which I'd like to clear up:
You said:
There does not need to be a public discussion of how RC handles it's money, IMO
For the record, this is NOT a discussion of how RC handles its money. This money does not belong to RC or Reefs.org, it belongs to the donors who intend to contribute it to Inland Reef for the reefs.org/Inland Reef salt analysis project.
So I think we have a valid point. We should maximize this amount, not "throw it away" by giving it needlessly to Paypal.
James Wiseman