Tanaka this possum wrasse has done very well in my tank with fairy and flashers..and with suck bright lights that i have..i do have plenty of caves and spots to hide but he is out in the open alot..i have even seen him swim with the lineatus..wish i had my camera at the time..but here is a nice pic i got of him
got these pics of my laboutei displaying..when it is just actintics on he goes nuts and displays alot..it does not last near as long as when my other fairy wrasses display so it is very hard to catch but i got a few nice pics of it enjoy!!!
thank you H. Tanaka it has been alot of work trying to get a my pics better and i still have some work to do on it..the mix that i have in that tank now seem to be doing very well..no fights a little dispalying ast each other every now and then but nothing real bad..i am thinking of adding one more..i really like the C. rubripinnis alot..for some reason they have always been one of my favorites..not near as much color as the lineatus of laboutei but just as pretty
thank you Hiroyuki and i also hope i get rubripinnis as a large male..my lfs is looking for a large one and it needs to be to hold its own with the others i got..i had one before but it died on me...maybe i will get lucky and get the unnamed one out of Sulawesi..the blue on its under side and the anal fin is so pretty!!
got these of my lineatus today..wish i could have got the whole fish in the first pic but he was moving so fast and that was all i could get but still got a nice shot of his head and i have noticed that in the past month or so that when not displaying that his anal and dorsal fins have become a real bright orange