WOW THATS A NICE WRASSE!!Hiroyuki Tanaka":2ug7iij5 said:I got this 80mm-long Cirrhilabrus balteatus some 60 hours ago. It is still a young individual but has an almost adult coloration. When I released it to the larger tank it soon accepted dried foods.
It is very closely related to C. temminckii, C. katherinae and C. punctatus. A rare fish with a high price, shipped from the Marshalls, northern Pacific.
Hiroyuki Tanaka":a2rpj9cu said:Thanks, joetbs. I like it so much.
Today I photographed a male Cirrhilabrus filamentosus displaying before my eyes. It was scared until a new comer (C. cyanopleura) was introduced but now the Filamented Fairy Wrasse will try to attack it.
Upper; usual coloration; a white abdomen, and darker tail.
Lower; exciting colors; a blue-black area in most of abdomen, a bright, bluish tail, with all fins spread to threat the new comer.