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Central NJ
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Wait! Does the is the new iPhone only available at the apple store tomorrow or AT&T stores as well? Someone just told me only apple stores and that kind changes my plan... Uugh!

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Central NJ
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Got it and its AMAZING

I agree the phone was amazing.. I just had issue's of the way APPLE was conducting thier customer service.... 1... Most of the non pre-salers got there 5am or before... when it come to opening at 7am a good amount of those presalers showed up and this was thier procedure..... 20 presalers a a time and 2 non presalers... So I got there at 4am and did not enter the store until 12:45pm.. So that was a little CRaZY... also during our wait they were giving out waters and snacks but for some odd reason started from the back of the line... Needless to say.. I was a little CRaNKY! Anyway I got my phone and I love it..


Advanced Reefer
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The b. S I went to get this phone today was to much I was 1st in line in radio shack n when I got inside the manager who was setting my stuff up didn't pay attention to his other to cashier n they rang up 2 iPhone each for the two people who was behind me n then he comes up to me n says sorry but they only had 4 i started actin crazy Cas I was there b4 every 1 n cas of u not payin attention I get screwed ova he called the cops n everything after a couple arguments he had 1 deliver to me from another store n I finally got my phone .. Never again will I do this for a phone

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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Seems like these releAses are getting more crazy.
Guy in my office has one and I'm so looking forward to mine.
If anyone wants to jailbreak let me know I keep up with all that.

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Is there any truth to the rumor that the radio malfunctions if you touch the side of the phone in 2 places?


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See they rushed the phone instead of fully testing it. How do you not notice that type of problem . Come on.

Just hoping it's not a physical issue. But reading this response from Apple CSR, it may very well be.

Update 23: Reader Joe called up Apple to ask about the reception issues, and they said...
Their answer? "Get a bumper" and "it's not their problem".
I told the CSR that if their solution is to buy a bumper, why aren't they giving them out for free? Again, she said not her problem.
Quite an infuriating call - while I sympathize with the verbal beat-down that many of the Apple CSRs will be getting over this problem, they need a better solution than to recommend fixing the problem with their own rubber cases...​


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Correction I do in fact lose bars when I hold it a certain way. I was going to get a case anyway. I'm sure apple will somehow take care of this issue.

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Rockaway Park
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lol i went to the apple store today to test that out and it actually worked...i took a video of it using the other iphones, but it wouldn't let me email it or MMS coz the file was 'too large'. that's crazii. now they're saying it's a software issue...hmm, hard to believe.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Yeah I would have never noticed because you have to hold it in that one spot to get it to lose signal. It's not that big of a deal for me because it's unnatural for me to hold it like that. Apple is usually very good at making things right so we'll see what happens.

On a side note. Everything else about this phone is pretty amazing.

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