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Bronx, New York
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I doubt that Verizon will get the iPhone in January. The last 3 years an unknown unconfirmed source has been saying the same thing over and over. Besides Steve Jobs considers Verizon's CDMA technology outdated and has stated over and over that he will not allow the iPhone to be made for such a technology. But version 4 not impressive. I was doing the stuff they released 1 year ago by jailbreaking (free from conformity). I'm driod now all the way HTC Incredible. Besides at least I can touch my phone without loosing service. LOL


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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batt600 said:
Its not all phone only some like 10% . Not like the new Iphone were like 75% of there phone are having this problem with holding the phone.

It's actually about 40% according to a recent poll and most people don't hold their phone like this "naturally"

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Rice Planter
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Apple admits iPhone 4 fault

Apple has officially admitted that a problem exists with the iPhone 4's reception but claimed the issue is with the number of bars displayed on the handset rather than with reception itself. A software fix will be offered in a couple of weeks. "We were surprised when we read reports of reception problems, and we immediately began investigating them," Apple said in its statement.

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I was under the impression AT&T has an exclusive contract with Apple for the iphone hence no Verizon. But that's suppose to end by the end of the year and then its free market. It was like a few year contract they signed with AT&T but that's TBA


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I dont think anyone has any idea about that contract, that isnt contractually able to talk. There have been rumors for this for years but nothing so far.

I will believe this when I see the advertising from Verizon, which you know would come out as soon as the ink dries.


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Ha this phone made front page news on the Nestorius post the head line is buggy IPhone. There are tones of iPhone own complaining about the lose of bar when holding the phone. Wooo I don't recall androids having this problem.:tongueani. If I recall android never had a problem this big.
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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Ha this phone made front page news on the Nestorius post the head line is buggy IPhone. There are tones of iPhone own complaining about the lose of bar when holding the phone. Wooo I don't recall androids having this problem.:tongueani. If I recall android never had a problem this big.

It's not a big problem at all. Will be fixed with a software update in a week. Nonexistant when the phone is in a case or bumper.

Android problems have had plenty of BIG problems...

Blue Tooth doesnt work right.

HTC EVO screen seperation problems

Plus touchscreen sensitivity issues, battery life much less than advertised, etc, etc, etc.




my point is that all phones have issues...This minor issue with the iphone 4 had been blown WAY out of proportion by Android fanboys
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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Mine arrived last night. It is sweet.
No antenae issues at all. So out of 10 different iPhones I have not been able to duplicate the problem.
Wonder if it just happens to sweaty palmed people.

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Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Your taking about the evolution how many android phones are there and that problem is old there's a fix that's been out for some time now and that's software problem not hardware . The evo 100 x better then the iPhone anyway.
New York
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I personally never use too*research other phones out their because*I love apple and their products but now that it's flooded everywhere including our fish board I have to step in lol.

**I have owned smartphones in the past and every iPhone since launch*and now the brand new 4. Most apple owners will agree that when you purchase an apple product you forget about the rest and really don't feel the need to prove it's better you just know it's the best and what every other company strive their products to be.*

*These companies then steal the ideals and try to go above and beyond to try to compete. And why wouldn't they. Some things they did that I have read Are Adding an

*Hdmi port ( which we buy a converter) *Bigger display ( that doesn't look as nice)
*8mp camera (that is not better than the 5mp iPhones has etc and doesn't have the 720 we have)
Video chat on regular calls would flood the he'll out of the network and I'm sure well do it in the future.

removable memory cards - is the one thing I think that is great. But truthfully that is one apple stayed away from the beginning to make money on different model numbers.

Apple always designed there products to be different. Therefore I don't an never will expect it to have "standard" memory cards or hdmi ports. If apple decided to add
It in the future great but if not i would never miss it or complain about it. I think people forget what makes and always made apple different. *They aren't like the rest of the bullshit mirror companies out there.*

*I have seen videos on the android phones and various articles but never got to use it.*To me it looks like they stole every good idea from apple. The visual effects, the actual layouts, the controls. Everything and not to mention the applications.*

*Apple is the leading innovative company and will continue to be. Take your android trash talk somewhere else .


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I think apple just appeals to a broader audience that doesn't really think things like removable media and wifi hosting matter.
But I don't think we should be trash talking at all. What matters to them is different. If they think they have the greatest phone then they should be happy. Happy enough not to care about what other people have.
So move on other phones, enjoy what you have. We will do the same.

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