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Rockaway Park
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lmao this is funny.i'm not an apple fan but i am an iphone fan. i've had iphones since day 1, now i got the evo and i can't complain. it does everything the iphone can plus more. i still have my iphone for use with tmobile, they seem pretty much the same to me, except certain things. as long as they let me go on twitter, facebook and allows me to sync my music with ease then it's all good :). whats all the fuss about? lol :dead:


Rating - 98.6%
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The phone looks great. Guys at work have been showing it off, some have the antenna problem and some don't. As an all around device this is a great one. Have fun with your new phones.


Advanced Reefer
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Re: iphone users

Hey if I was u I'll wait they jst put out the news that tmobile is getting the iPhone in q3 before verizon it's 80 percent true so far let's hope they do cas my bill is crazy n I get a discount

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long island
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what is this madness you speak of, t mobile is getting the iphone as well so then it will be for both att and tmobile o my if this happens

Hey if I was u I'll wait they jst put out the news that tmobile is getting the iPhone in q3 before verizon it's 80 percent true so far let's hope they do cas my bill is crazy n I get a discount

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Advanced Reefer
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In my opinion as long as Steve Jobs is calling the shots for apple, the iphone will remain exclusively on at&t. I forget the name of the network that all these companies are shooting for in the long run, but its an estimated 4 years out. I think that when all these companies are operating on this network you'll see the iphone on other carriers.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Re: iphone users

That website is not a reliable source for factual information. It is nothing more than tech porn. You want the iPhone, buy the iPhone. Don't buy into a dream of what you think might happen months or years from now.

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Raleigh, NC
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Re: iphone users

Imbarrie said:
That website is not a reliable source for factual information. It is nothing more than tech porn. You want the iPhone, buy the iPhone. Don't buy into a dream of what you think might happen months or years from now.

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Yeah they have been reporting on these rumors for years and have been wrong every time.

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Used as bait
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AT&T NEEDS the iPhone...so it will probably stay there at almost whatever cost, but the subject was on how much people are paying for data. I believe the new plans are different...i pay $19.99 for iPhone unlimited data and an extra $9.99 for unlimited text. This was when I get my 3GS.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Re: iphone users

That seems to be all you want to hear. Myself and all the people I know really like the phone.
The only issue is the death grip and that only seems to be an issue to people that don't have the phone.

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Rice Planter
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That seems to be all you want to hear. Myself and all the people I know really like the phone.
The only issue is the death grip and that only seems to be an issue to people that don't have the phone.

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Thats not true. The reason why is that people have alot of $$ invested in apps and don't mind having a big case. Plus its alot of money, and getting a new phone with their most likely used upgrade would run another 400-600$. There isn't much out there thats better so why go through the trouble. People will deal with it till next year because that's how people are. The android users will bash it because they don't have the problem and its payback for all the crap androids have gotten because it was only untill now that its been a good system with good phones =0)

I have 15 iphone 4's around me all day, they all complained a few weeks ago and some still do. Half of them said they might change over to the android i have because they like it alot. Either way even with the antenna problem the phone still rocks and the apps and OS are still top notch. I wouldn't be complaining or mentioning it either if i had one. I would still be pissed that i payed for it even with the upgrade price.


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Before you buy an iphone or decide on getting a smart phone if you never had one spend like an hour playing with someones phone or in the store. Whatever you feel comfy with is what you get. If you go android or iphone you won't be dissapointed either way.

And your getting screwed with the data package if you go iphone and ATT. Be prepared to spend alot of time searching for wifi spots or hooked up to your router at home when playing on it. The 2 gigs goes fast if your constantly browsing or playing internet games, and with moderate use you can easily go over the basic data plan.

The thing that i don't get is that ATT isn't going to be getting that much more $$ off the data plan than it is already after enough people realize how quickly those 2 gigs go. People are going to be smart and stick with wifi zones or hooked up to their home internet. Im sure its going to help with stresses on their network from all the data usage with all the new smartphones being used but other than that i don't see any benefits on their end.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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How do you figure hundreds?

I have had the iPhone for over a year now and so far I am about even.

Bought 16g 3gs for $200
Sold 16g 3gs for $300
Bought 32g 4 for $300
Right now Craigslist is showing $800

The immense quantity of the Android based phones out there, and any phone on Verizon, makes it impossible to sell. So by your experience you will be paying hundreds because when you replace your phone, it will have no value.
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