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What were you not impressed about with ios4*
*When i added the new ios4 on my 3GS I thought it was a really good upgrade. You forgot the most important part of the upgrade.....Multi tasking.

Now I can use xm radio, Tom Tom gps, and other programs in the background which I couldn't do before.

**The mail option,the folders option, the playlist and the visual effects are just some more icing.

As for the iPhone 4

I personally like just having something new. The new shape is cool. Im happy with the old and the new design either way. The functionality of the phone has improved and it's faster.*

And of coarse replacing my 3GS and selling it for 300 dollars and buying the new one for 216 was a no brainer considering that I'm not leaving AT&T anyways.

For me, I now have an improved 5mp camera. I personally use the camera as my main camera so this is great. Along with an improved 720 hd video recorder, And to top it off a flash for both. Overall it's a faster phone that has even more room for improvement and functionality. And Now I can use livechat with my girlfriend when she's not around - and i thank you apple for that x2
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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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noelskii said:
r u guys 'amazed' at the shape of the phone or iOS 4.0? i don't see the big difference between this new iphone and the 3GS besides the dual cam....

The screen resolution is crazy, the camera is better and finally has a flash, the video quality is really nice, the battery lasts alot longer the new processor makes everything run fast and smooth. Just a few of my favorite upgrades.

Every year a new iPhone comes out. The past versions have been subtle improvements.

This one has been the biggest "leap" from it's predecessor.

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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Ive been enjoying multi tasking, folders, one mailbox (with Google) and all those software perks with my iphone 3Gs the whole time. You just had to jailbreak it to get the stuff. In fact everything the iPhone didnt get from Apple, you could always get by jailbreaking.

Im not upgrading for any of these reasons. The main reason I am upgrading is that once you experience the new iPhone anything prior to that feels clunky.

Apple always comes through with a design that amazes and yet completely undermines the previous models.

Just for the record, whenever a company comes out with a freaking C&C machined case sandwiched between two panes of alumowhatevercoated glass, Im in.


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been hearing about alot of problems with them i have one on hold and not sure i will get it, i heard they drop calls like crazy, and if thats the case how is a upgrade going to fix this? the antenna is already in place , i just think in about 6 months or so they will figure out all the bugs on it. plus dont you think a 4g will follow?!


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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i havnt dropped a call yet. Alot of the things you have heard are blown out of proportion. True, there is a spot on the phone where if you hold it a certain way, you lose bars.

Some say it is a software issue because iphone 3G and 3GS with the new IOS 4.0 have the same problem...Others believe it is a hardware issue with the antenna. The truth is noone knows but apple. The official response from apple is "There is no Reception Problem. Stay Tuned" Some think this means a firmware update is coming soon that will fix it. Others think that Steve Jobs is just being an A-hole and screwing the customers. I personally feel confident Apple will do something to make it right.

To me the spot is not an issue because i dont hold the phone in a way that interferes. I get a stronger signal than my old iphone. Plus i was planning on getting a case for it anyway.

If it really concerns you you might want to hold off and see what Apple will do. I think we will be hearing something soon. The Apple haters are all over this one. Most of the criticisms you read on the internet are by people who don't even own the phone. Take everything you read with a grain of salt and talk to some people who actually have one. All phones have pros and cons, the iphone issues are just blown way out of proportion because it is so popular.

Personally I love mine. Oh yeah you have 30 days to return it if you buy one and do not like it.
New York
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First off, im an apple lover. i owned 2g,3g,3gs,3gs replacement X3 and now an iphone 4. I have bought my girlfriend all as well. including the iphone 4 at 399. I also own a brand new macbook pro.

i bought 2 iphone 4's the day they came out. Their is definitely an issue with holding it a certain way and it definitely affects me. It occurs on both of our phones..... The Bumper does not fix the issue for me at all and neither does some cheapo city case i bought yesterday. For me this position is very natural, I always hold my iphone in my left palm to text so its definitely affecting me when i am texting and surfing the web. It also affects me when i switch hands to hold the phone during a call to write or perform something with my right hand while i hold it in my left. Again, I can replicate it at anytime and it is definitely a natural position for me.

There is definitely alot of hype about this in the internet and the news but it should be. when something sells 600+ thousand items and theres an issue its going to happen. Im not complaining because i have been holding it different and using a headset to talk for the time being. I will wait patiently for a fix either software or hardware. Still absolutely love the phone.

And best of all, i like knowing i have 30 days to return it. even though i wont.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I went to Roosevelt Fields mall this past weekend trying to duplicate this.
None of the phones would show any drop in signal strength. I could be one of the people this does not work with or Im wondering if this is a software issue. They have pushed to all the in store models already.
My phone doesnt ship until July 8

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