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Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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batt600 said:
Im sorry i had a Iphone and it suck .All you can do is unlock and jailbreak the phone thats it . The android phone you can root it put roms on it theres a hack to make your phone a wifi hot spot for free . there is so much stuff you can do to this phone and it has a flash player. The iphone doesnt have a flash player and you can play xbox 360 and ps3 games as well and dont forget the new phone are 1080p HD with a HDMI out put to hook up to you tv . Does the Iphone have all this. ????????????????????????


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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Im sorry i had a Iphone and it suck .All you can do is unlock and jailbreak the phone thats it . The android phone you can root it put roms on it theres a hack to make your phone a wifi hot spot for free . there is so much stuff you can do to this phone and it has a flash player. The iphone doesnt have a flash player and you can play xbox 360 and ps3 games as well and dont forget the new phone are 1080p HD with a HDMI out put to hook up to you tv . Does the Iphone have all this. ????????????????????????

I applaud you for all that. You are obviously not the person Apple intends to market the iPhone to. YOU had an iPhone and the iphone sucked for YOU. That doesnt mean the phone sucks, or that your phone is any better, it simply means the iPhone didnt work for the intended purpose YOU had in mind. Maybe more research would have uncovered that before you made the purchase.
Keep in mind the vast majority of phone users dont care to do any of what YOU do with a phone. They call people, keep pictures, listen to music and surf the web. I hack my phones all the time and I know more about how to use them for unintended purposes than most of the iPhone community and I still have no idea WTF you are talking about.

Enjoy your phone and we will enjoy ours.
New York
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Im sorry i had a Iphone and it suck .All you can do is unlock and jailbreak the phone thats it . The android phone you can root it put roms on it theres a hack to make your phone a wifi hot spot for free . there is so much stuff you can do to this phone and it has a flash player. The iphone doesnt have a flash player and you can play xbox 360 and ps3 games as well and dont forget the new phone are 1080p HD with a HDMI out put to hook up to you tv . Does the Iphone have all this. ????????????????????????

+1 on imbarie, i couldn't have said it better.

why the hell would you want to make your phone a wifi spot?

why the hell would you want to play xbox and ps3 games on a 2 inch screen when you could use an actual xbox or ps3 with a remote control? anyone that owned a xbox or ps3 would rather play on that lmao.

I purchased the cables to hook up my iphone to my tv as well. I really dont use that either, and it has nothing to do with the output being less than 1080 lol.

most of these so called "advantages" are purely for bragging rights. flash player isn't supported on the phone true, i really cannnot defend that, but i will say that if you have had the iphone and stuck with the iphone you would know that almost every "Popular" or everyday "needed" websites have implemented changes in their site for the iphone and it doesn't affected me 1 bit.


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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+1 on imbarie, i couldn't have said it better.

why the hell would you want to make your phone a wifi spot?

why the hell would you want to play xbox and ps3 games on a 2 inch screen when you could use an actual xbox or ps3 with a remote control? anyone that owned a xbox or ps3 would rather play on that lmao.

I purchased the cables to hook up my iphone to my tv as well. I really dont use that either, and it has nothing to do with the output being less than 1080 lol.

most of these so called "advantages" are purely for bragging rights. flash player isn't supported on the phone true, i really cannnot defend that, but i will say mthat if you have had the iphone and stuck with the iphone you would know that almost every "Popular" or everyday "needed" websites have implemented changes in their site for the iphone and it doesn't affected me 1 bit.

Im not saying the phone is bad that no one should buy it is a good phone. But i like phones that are hackable . I was saying all this. Because someone said the android phones are junk. The iphone to be is a great work phone better then the blackberry.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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Just for the record 4G is no longer CDMA vs GSM, it's now WiMax vs LTE.
Sprint is going WiMax and both AT&T and Verizon are going LTE. And I dunno where that 2 year "exclusive" 4G thing is coming from cause Verizon will have their LTE 4G networks up in the fall, and AT&T will have it 2012.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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I find it interesting that people come here to criticize the iPhone. A bunch of so called "rumors" not even true most of the time. You don't see any iPhone users jumping on the droid threads talking smack.

It's just a phone, guys...and if the iPhone really sucked that bad I don't think you would see so many people using one.

The Droid fanboys are an odd agressive bunch. Maybe it was because the Droid was released with an ad campaign that attacked the iPhone. Good Marketing technique I guess...A play on that let's choose sides and fight mentality that Americans have adopted.

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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Fanboys are just that. But there are iPhone fanboys to.

Objectively looking at this, I think the Droid markets itself to techies that inevitably point out what other phones lack for their tasks. iPhone users dont care about any of it.
I have a friend at Nokia who works with software engineers. He made an interesting point; There is a balancing point between the amount you can tweak a phone and how much mainstream appeal it will have. He was telling me this as I was showing him my hacked iPhone
If you market to techies too much you will loose mainstream support because the average user will think it is too complicated. Market to mainstream and the techies will ignore it because they like the independence. By far the mainstream is the largest customer so to market a tech phone to everyone you have to compete with the mainstream phone yet have the appearance of support. For most people the iPhone is so popular because it appeals to people in both groups.
Im no Apple fanboy, I have two computers and both are Dell.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Imbarrie said:
Fanboys are just that. But there are iPhone fanboys to.

Objectively looking at this, I think the Droid markets itself to techies that inevitably point out what other phones lack for their tasks. iPhone users dont care about any of it.
I have a friend at Nokia who works with software engineers. He made an interesting point; There is a balancing point between the amount you can tweak a phone and how much mainstream appeal it will have. He was telling me this as I was showing him my hacked iPhone
If you market to techies too much you will loose mainstream support because the average user will think it is too complicated. Market to mainstream and the techies will ignore it because they like the independence. By far the mainstream is the largest customer so to market a tech phone to everyone you have to compete with the mainstream phone yet have the appearance of support. For most people the iPhone is so popular because it appeals to people in both groups.
Im no Apple fanboy, I have two computers and both are Dell.

Good point. Apple has always marketed themselves as the "any dummy can use it" brand.

I can't be bothered with the tweaking of this and that. I just want it to work, and work well.

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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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So the it appears the volume of iPhone 4 preorders has crashed the AT&T servers.

When you get to the step where it confirms eligibility with AT&T, it times out.

The websites are still not processing orders smoothly but I was able to reserve mine with the Apple Store App that was just released...

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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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I finally got through and ordered it. It arrives on June 24. Just an FYI, they let me keep the unlimited data plan for $30. I was grandfathered in. I had the choice of keeping unlimited for $30 or choosing a cheaper data plan and losing unlimited forever so I kept the unlimited ;)


Advanced Reefer
Southampton, NY
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ya how are the new data plans.. i already have the iphone so will i be able to keep my plan or am i going to have to pay more? my brother said it could be 90 bucks a month but i dont believe it


Advanced Reefer
White Plains
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ya how are the new data plans.. i already have the iphone so will i be able to keep my plan or am i going to have to pay more? my brother said it could be 90 bucks a month but i dont believe it

since you already have the plan you are already grandfather in the old plan so they can not take it away plus it wouldnt be $90 more a month the new plan is 2GB for $25 which is ALOT ive only found one person who has reached that and if you go over its an extra $10 for another GB which is only $5 more then the old unlimlited plan which was $30 so the final say is your either saving $5 or spending $5 which is no BIGGY


Experienced Reefer
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hey guys i preordered my i phone 4, i went to best buy they were doing pre orders i figured hey im sure know one would think to go there, so i get there and it was dead i ask to preorder the i phone 4 they said no problem, filled out my paper work and i was only the 28th person to pre order it from best buy wich i thought was kind of low i was figuring it to be like # 200 by the time i got there it was 1200pm but i got it black 32gb


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Apple must have received a ton of orders yesterday. The new ship date if you preorder today is July 2. Looks like I got my order in just in time.

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i am planning to get the iphone4 come mid july,
1) will they be in stock or will i have to wait and see
2) i will be added as a second line to my girlfriends account with an iphone4. does this mean i will have to pay this extra $25 to her account? im wondering cause i am already going to have to buy some kind of phone support service through apple.

thanks in advance for any info in regards to this

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