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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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No bbm for the iPhone. Bbm uses a serial ID from RIM. iPhone cannot connect even when hacked.
Many bb users ask that.

How can Sprint own 4G? Their CDMA format isn't true 4G, just like Verizon.

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Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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No bbm for the iPhone. Bbm uses a serial ID from RIM. iPhone cannot connect even when hacked.
Many bb users ask that.

How can Sprint own 4G? Their CDMA format isn't true 4G, just like Verizon.

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They own the rights 2 4g and made a copy write contrate for 4g . like i sad nextel did that when they first came out with the 2way there contract was for 5 years then after that verizon tryied it wasnt that great 10sec delay in the 2 way . The Iphone 4 wasnt supposed to come out next year 2011 but Iphone lost alot of money from android so it was released early.
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New York
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an iphone comes out every year generally around the same time... i dont know where you came up with the assumption that it was released early because of lost revenue.I don't think the words apple/iphone and lost money should be in the same sentence unless its being used too compared some other phone attempting to compete with iphone sales.

Release dates i got from wikipidia.. dont know if they are correct and dont care lol

iphone 2g - June 29, 2007
iphone 3g - July 11, 2008
iphone 3gs - June 19, 2009
iphone 4g - will begin shipping on June 24, 2010; pre-orders begin on June 15, 2010

ive owned them all and will continue until i cant. I dont see anything indicating a release because of lost profit.


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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an iphone comes out every year generally around the same time... i dont know where you came up with the assumption that it was released early because of lost revenue.I don't think the words apple/iphone and lost money should be in the same sentence unless its being used too compared some other phone attempting to compete with iphone sales.

Release dates i got from wikipidia.. dont know if they are correct and dont care lol

iphone 2g - June 29, 2007
iphone 3g - July 11, 2008
iphone 3gs - June 19, 2009
iphone 4g - will begin shipping on June 24, 2010; pre-orders begin on June 15, 2010

ive owned them all and will continue until i cant. I dont see anything indicating a release because of lost profit.

If you didnt now the Iphone stock has been down for the past year and android if way up. Apple is also trying to sew android But they are not saying why . If you search the web you will see apple is hearting with there Iphones.


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If you didnt now the Iphone stock has been down for the past year and android if way up. Apple is also trying to sew android But they are not saying why . If you search the web you will see apple is hearting with there Iphones.



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ATT has well known network problems in NYC and San Fran. Their infrastucture is old and could not handle the increased load caused by the success of the iPhone. They are working on it and promised it would have been fixed by now. So who knows when it will actually be fixed.
Possibly due to that problem, the new ATT contracts do NOT included an unlimited data plan option. That policy goes into effect about the same time as the release of the new iPhone.
Guess I'm sitting with my 3GS for awhile.
BTW, the phone is not out yet and there's already a jail break available for it.
New York
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the new ATT contracts do NOT included an unlimited data plan option. That policy goes into effect about the same time as the release of the new iPhone.
Guess I'm sitting with my 3GS for awhile.

From my understanding if you are already an iphone owner your rates and unlimited plan will stay.

That falls under the new iphone owners


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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They own the rights 2 4g and made a copy write contrate for 4g . like i sad nextel did that when they first came out with the 2way there contract was for 5 years then after that verizon tryied it wasnt that great 10sec delay in the 2 way . The Iphone 4 wasnt supposed to come out next year 2011 but Iphone lost alot of money from android so it was released early.

I'm not sure where you are getting your info on 4G or iPhone sales levels, but none of that is correct.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Apple stock continues to rise and their net worth has recently surpased Microsoft. They have no trouble with sales of the iPhone, iPod, ipad, or anthing else.

Steve Jobs squashed the Verizon rumor last week. Sorry guys it continues to be ATT exclusive.

Apple website you have the choice of shipping or in store pickup.

The iPhone 4 is not early. A new one comes out once a year, every summer.

There is alot of misinformation in this thread.

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Raleigh, NC
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Read this and tell me if it sounds like a company struggling with sales.

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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Wow. I'm preordering mine from Apple. I expect to receive it around the drop date.
Apple stores, ATT stores, Wallmart and many other retailers are onboard to avoid the fanboy mel?e at stores this time.
I'll wait in the comfort of my home for the coolest tech of the year to come to me.
How is everyone else getting theirs?

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in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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I put some links there did you read them ?????????????

The link you provided has no relevance to iPhone sales, it is referring to the stock price.

Also, your comment about Sprint having 4g exclusivity because they "copyrighted" it is incorrect. First off, if they did anything, it would be a patent, copyrights have no relevance to technical standards except protecting their names. Second, there is no standard for 4g, it it strictly a marketing term referring to an increase in speeds. You can't patent "faster data rates". The other carriers have not yet launched any 4g services because their networks are not in place yet (unless you are a hacker and know where to look :) ).


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Reading this on my sweet I phone
Droid sux
I don't know 1 person with the droid phone but I know 10 with the I phone 5 of which switched from verizon to AT&T just to get it

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Im sorry i had a Iphone and it suck .All you can do is unlock and jailbreak the phone thats it . The android phone you can root it put roms on it theres a hack to make your phone a wifi hot spot for free . there is so much stuff you can do to this phone and it has a flash player. The iphone doesnt have a flash player and you can play xbox 360 and ps3 games as well and dont forget the new phone are 1080p HD with a HDMI out put to hook up to you tv . Does the Iphone have all this. ????????????????????????

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