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  • Josh! You're still here! Phew. I was feeling like no one I know is here... Not that I've managed to really scour the site... It's changed a bit! Hope all is well :)

    Hi josh. First I just wanted to say thank you for a great on line community. I have been a member for a short period of time but the members i have met and spoke to have all been extremely supportive and genuine. I attended the swap at Pace and had a great time !! I did not donate at this event but I have an idea for the next swap. I would like to donate my establishment as a possible host for the next event. The name of the place is called Play. I am located in Queens directly on Queens blvd. It is a 12,000 sqft facility that has plenty of room for vendors/visitors. The website is play-ny.com. There is no underlying reason other than I am very committed to this hobby(obsession) and am trying to help our community grow.


    c-917 945-0825
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