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Your never going to get a "reason" or a valid reason. Most Mods now are power trippers. They have the control to control other peoples actions and thoughts. They will use that power under the blanket of protecting the site owner and the integrity of the board. When in fact a message board is to discuss the issues and ideas of problems and success. Yes at time mods have to drop the hammer on members who choose to attack other members or make threats which on a reef board is really funny some people would have to resort to attacking to try and validate themselves. If you take a good look you can the friendship and favoritism and like it's been stated it's human nature to protect friends and the ones with the brownish nose. Don't take the deletes personally, It's making a mod feel power they lack off the computer.
This hobby is an ego hobby, who has the nicest coral the best colors bla bla bla. I applaud your principles but principles can be expensive.


Renegade Reefer
Bronx, ny
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@nyreefnoob @troywalker
Why are you guys bringing up stealth vending. If you guys would of seen the threads that were deleted last night you would of known the whole reason this started was because we were tired of getting our posts deleted for no reason.we are not grouping mods we just don't know which one keeps deleting our posts.
@reefnoob we have traded before, lets say after that trade your thread still had more goodies for trade and i post "bump for great guy with great corals thanks again" on a day where no one posts on your thread and my posts just gets deleted for no reason. Do you find that to be ok because I have no rights on MR? Till you experience something like that you cant act like were wrong and were just trouble makers.
@troywalker dude pick a side dont you remember what you post earlier?
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Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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You are not at all aware of the issues going on behind the scene. on top of that every person here is OWED an explanatiin when something that was written by them is altered or deleted. You, my friend, would love the same courtesy
I might be more aware then you think. and if you didnt really read what i wrote
i have had my fair share of warnings over the years. and yes to a degree i felt i deserved it
With that say if you dont know whats going on refrain from giving your 2 cents.
Your husband got a thread deleted and has had several before deleted with no explanation. ok now that i am caught up on whats going on. once again, wanting a explanation is understandable, but to keep making attacks towards them isnt going to help your situation.
With that say if you dont know whats going on refrain from giving your 2 cents
so because i am not hanging a sign to kick all the mods out i need to keep my 2 cents ? this is a discussion forum, and by trying to make it a one sided thought process all positive effects will not be fully acknowledged. as i am sure 80% of the others that typed on this thread dont know whats fully going on, but have sided with your train of thought so it's ok what they wrote ?


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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juggernot, the stealth vending was brought up in this thread and i commented in reguards to that. thats one of my pet peaves. a friend was forced into being a vendor or not being able to post stuff for sale.
and yes i have dealt with you before in a positive way. i have had threads simply dissapear or get moved so far back no one would see it if i didnt go find it myself. yes there is some shady stuff that happens. but life is the same way. I know what to take this site as. I am friends with most of the mods. even the most hated one lol they dont give me any special treatment. ive gotten threatning pm's and so forth over the year's. { finds them funny }
All i am saying is that i do agree some stuff needs to change. But making a personal attack thread isnt going to help the situation. better off doing it in pm's and saving them. no better way to go to a gun fight as to bring a loaded gun.

Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 12,134 ---- think i havent seen my share over the years


Advanced Reefer
Apex Freak
Amityville, NY
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I'm relatively new around here, but have read almost every thread in the short time I've been with the forum. I too witness what happened last night. I'm quite surprised this thread is still active and have not been deleted. So it's best to keep it calm and neutral and not start fighting each other. Hopefully our voices will result in some clarification on the rules. Or at least set some guidelines or policies for the mods. Forum rules should not only apply to members, but it should also apply to mods.
I've never had any of my threads or posts deleted. At least not until last night...
It was more annoying at first when I couldn't find the thread, then it lead to frustration and then anger set it. Even a system generated message would be better than nothing at all.


Renegade Reefer
Bronx, ny
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juggernot, the stealth vending was brought up in this thread and i commented in reguards to that. thats one of my pet peaves. a friend was forced into being a vendor or not being able to post stuff for sale.
and yes i have dealt with you before in a positive way. i have had threads simply dissapear or get moved so far back no one would see it if i didnt go find it myself. yes there is some shady stuff that happens. but life is the same way. I know what to take this site as. I am friends with most of the mods. even the most hated one lol they dont give me any special treatment. ive gotten threatning pm's and so forth over the year's. { finds them funny }
All i am saying is that i do agree some stuff needs to change. But making a personal attack thread isnt going to help the situation. better off doing it in pm's and saving them. no better way to go to a gun fight as to bring a loaded gun.

Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 12,134 ---- think i havent seen my share over the years

I see where you are coming from and even though it might seem attacking all we want at the end of the day is to be able to enjoy a site where everyone feels comfortable and on the same team. The intent of this thread is to get some feedback and find out whats going on. what rules we are breaking and how can we amend our posts to be under the site rules.
I love MR its has helped me to get tons of information and goodies from my current tank to beautiful corals to my great leds [Fathom] We just don't want to walk away from a site that we love because a certain people feel like picking at our posts.
Please anyone posting don't call out any mods or names this thread is just intended to see if some system can be put in order to just let us know why our posts/threads are being deleted.


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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This thread contains some very interesting perspectives.

First off, I built a notification tool so when you have a thread deleted or moved you get a PM. It obviously isn't working, but we will get it fixed. So lets put that issue to the side.

Second, mods do not receive any money for their work. On the contrary, they deal with some incredibly rude individuals, for free, on their own time. A few times a year we go out for a free dinner. Last time we had BBQ, it was so bad I thought some of them were going to quit on the spot. Seriously though, how do you mess up BBQ?

We've actually had some bad mods, they made it impossible to do anything. The membership does not vote on the mods, and you won't get to be a mod unless you have proven to be a very cool cat and are good at defusing conversations and not igniting them with glee, which definitely happens.

Some of the people commenting here are, how can I put this.... dicks. You can't do a bunch of stuff that is against the rules, antagonize the mods, and then complain when they are all over your every post. If you don't cause trouble you can get away with little things, its that simple. I have to fight with the mods to ensure that we do not interpret the rules like codified law. If you are known for causing trouble your posts might get deleted. We don't like to do it, we don't do it a lot. We also don't ban people unless you're outright asking for it. If you think the site is not moderated properly please go to reefcentral and enjoy your stay there. This is supposed to be a fun place, if you're not having fun you're probably doing something wrong.

This thread is fun, and there were some interesting comments which we will follow up on. This is by far the LEAST moderated forum I know, if we have to start moderating for real it will be easier to just shut down the forum IMO.

If you have an issue with any mod in particular you are welcome to PM me or email [email protected]. All emails get a reply.


Renegade Reefer
Bronx, ny
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This thread contains some very interesting perspectives.

First off, I built a notification tool so when you have a thread deleted or moved you get a PM. It obviously isn't working, but we will get it fixed. So lets put that issue to the side.

Second, mods do not receive any money for their work. On the contrary, they deal with some incredibly rude individuals, for free, on their own time. A few times a year we go out for a free dinner. Last time we had BBQ, it was so bad I thought some of them were going to quit on the spot. Seriously though, how do you mess up BBQ?

We've actually had some bad mods, they made it impossible to do anything. The membership does not vote on the mods, and you won't get to be a mod unless you have proven to be a very cool cat and are good at defusing conversations and not igniting them with glee, which definitely happens.

Some of the people commenting here are, how can I put this.... dicks. You can't do a bunch of stuff that is against the rules, antagonize the mods, and then complain when they are all over your every post. If you don't cause trouble you can get away with little things, its that simple. I have to fight with the mods to ensure that we do not interpret the rules like codified law. If you are known for causing trouble your posts might get deleted. We don't like to do it, we don't do it a lot. We also don't ban people unless you're outright asking for it. If you think the site is not moderated properly please go to reefcentral and enjoy your stay there. This is supposed to be a fun place, if you're not having fun you're probably doing something wrong.

This thread is fun, and there were some interesting comments which we will follow up on. This is by far the LEAST moderated forum I know, if we have to start moderating for real it will be easier to just shut down the forum IMO.

If you have an issue with any mod in particular you are welcome to PM me or email [email protected]. All emails get a reply.

Thanks for responding to us. I appreciate your attention in this matter and hope you don't see it as us b****ing. Its just aggravating as I'm pretty sure you understand.
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Picking a side

@nyreefnoob @troywalker
Why are you guys bringing up stealth vending. If you guys would of seen the threads that were deleted last night you would of known the whole reason this started was because we were tired of getting our posts deleted for no reason.we are not grouping mods we just don't know which one keeps deleting our posts.
@reefnoob we have traded before, lets say after that trade your thread still had more goodies for trade and i post "bump for great guy with great corals thanks again" on a day where no one posts on your thread and my posts just gets deleted for no reason. Do you find that to be ok because I have no rights on MR? Till you experience something like that you cant act like were wrong and were just trouble makers.
@troywalker dude pick a side dont you remember what you post earlier?
Pick a side! What do you think, I'm picking my nose? LOL. I agree whole heartedly that the rampant deletions and the warnings that are sometimes in less that professional language are troubling. I also think that when members have disagreements or like posting irksome comments (post stalkers) bcuz you have nothing better to do that the mods would step in and correct the situation. I have had such and took the high road and PM'ed the offender personally. When that did not work I shot a PM to a MOD with no real effect.
All this to say that this is their site and we as members have two choices:
We can complain and hope the "establishment" starts to adhere to its own policies and contact members with professionalism when there is an infraction. (basically suffer thru it) OR As Members we could take the power back and boycott the site and possible start a new site that is more in line with our needs as members, (Don't talk about it be about it!)
I say all this because lets face it. All this site is, is a glorified message board. In this day and age, how expensive could it be to set up a new site. Real vendors are throwing money all the time to reach more consumers (read that as pays for itself). The Swaps are paid with vendor money and freebies from members are resold to help pay for the site.
Call the new site Urban Reefs or Tri-State Reef Club. or my favorite Renegade reefers. Whatever. ( Dubs, if I were you I would look into locking down that name, site, etc,). Go daddy it or something!
I would support a new site and from the outpouring of comments on this thread I would say that the support is there to start something.
DONT TALK ABOUT IT, BE ABOUT IT - Mantra of the Boogie down BX.
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