OK it's obvious me and the mods around here are not seeing eye to eye on fairness and politics this is not joke I want some answers am sorry I will not just except been treated a certain way
AAw jugs thanks hommie am sure if this thread las for a hour there will be more than 2000 on the table from the rest member around that been feeling this way
The mods dont recognize that how they are handling this issue obviously shared by many of us within this community is wrong. Not even in grade school do you get in trouble without a clear cut reason for your punishment. Your wrong doings deserve an explanation in order to avoid the same issues repeating themselves. .
ALL I WANT is a reason, a small message when something I post gets deleted. Seems like that is too much to ask for. I know there is favoritism going on here because 5 months ago when I joined MR my post started getting deleted because my name is MrsDubs and I PROUDLY associate myself with an amazing reefer who isnt liked by some because of his unconventional ways. Yet aside from the green eyes sent our way by some mods here .. our tanks thrive and dubs corals are all over the MR community.
Whats going on bud. Favoritism will always be there. It is in human nature as are other qualities such as jealousy, pride etc. Don't let it get to you.
You are doing something right to have all these corals around.
OK am having issues with the site and the mods around here and instead of handling the situation like adults they just keep deleting the truth I wish I could even have this conversation eye to eye am real about it no need to feel power full behind my screen this is no joke am been 100% serious
Is it a private forum. I mean anyone can come register and use it so isn't it a public forum. Private forum would be invitation only.
I could be wrong.
I know its owned privately but because of membership the forum is public. But yes they can run it as they want. If someone does not like it then well.....
You're a good man dubs and when I start to frag corals you have some coming.
Being a moderator is a thankless job. I'm sure they have other things they would like to be doing. Be careful what you wish for cause you might get it. And whatever conflict you're having now might pale in comparison to what would come from a new mod.
I think mods should be voted in by the people. If they all have a close relationship before being mods they will favor each others opinion. Are there any bronx mods? I think the bronx is the shunned upon borough.
Every borough needs their own mod,,, we'll count Staten Island as Jersey ,, it's gotta be a panel like that bc this is NY and we do get outta control sometimes and even offend people,,, I agree, you get deleted, you get to find out why.
My 1/50 of a dollar
better to have a thread deleted then to have a permanant ban or so forth. people keep forgetting this is a private forum with rules, because you sit at a desk doesnt mean you dont have to follow the rules. personally i wish this site was ran more like RC
Enough is Enough even if new mods are worse at least am not still dealing with the horrible ones that been bias towards me and some of my friends for a while now
OK so this is a private forum so fairness don't exist and bias and politics is OK I guess reading wrong or I live under a rock cause that not how grow up
Why the waaahhh thread was "put in hold" and not deleted???
Why the other threads that was going on last nite got deleted with no explanation and with no obvious infractions??