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Screw it...I'm going to the movies... Should be able to get good seats tonight!

I was doing the "END of World" things too-stop all appointmnets, play all the games I can, watch all the movies I can and even get outside food which I expect them closed next couple days.

I wish a girl have the same feeling as me and hang out together now. :smokin::DLOL

Paul B

Advanced Reefer
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The Eye is over us now but we have power so far and no leaks except a little on my workshop floor that came into the chimmeny. I don't use that chimmeny because my new boiler doesn't need it but the water comes in . My old oil burner used to evaporate that water but this new one does not make any waste heat so I will have to block up that chimmeny.
There are trees down but not too bad. My friends on the South Shore have water up to their door because they are on a canal. Thier boat may be floating in their yard any minute and their neighbor's boat broke loose and is teetering on the bulkhead which is usually about 8' above the water.
My Daughter lives on the 20th floor of a high rise downtown Manhattan and water is pouring into her living room.
We are going out now to take pictures.
be safe.

Pedro Nuno Ferreira

Liquid Breathing
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The Eye is over us now but we have power so far and no leaks except a little on my workshop floor that came into the chimmeny. I don't use that chimmeny because my new boiler doesn't need it but the water comes in . My old oil burner used to evaporate that water but this new one does not make any waste heat so I will have to block up that chimmeny.
There are trees down but not too bad. My friends on the South Shore have water up to their door because they are on a canal. Thier boat may be floating in their yard any minute and their neighbor's boat broke loose and is teetering on the bulkhead which is usually about 8' above the water.
My Daughter lives on the 20th floor of a high rise downtown Manhattan and water is pouring into her living room.
We are going out now to take pictures.
be safe.

Just saw in CNN Live Irene Batters Long Island ... Be safe Paul ... be safe all.


Pedro Nuno Ferreira

Liquid Breathing
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This storm is a joke it just raining and windy here were im in . By the beach front it only crazy . This is just a storm for people that live away from the beach front.

So it looks from the images at CNN Live ... but you are living through it ... still streets in lower Manhattan flooded, and the sea at the beach front is very strong and crazy as you say ... Hope it fades soon and all be safe.

Pedro Nuno Ferreira

Liquid Breathing
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There saying it will be over at 2pm and complety gone at 5pm

Hope so for the well being of all there ... water continues to rise and now CNN is showing a family of 5 people being rescued.... also beach erosion is a great concern ...
Onlookers are showing up despite all warnings of the authorities ... well people there are used to these situations never the less it can be dangerous, especially near the beach and were electrical power live lines are down ...


Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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Well as expected in and around my area floods minor tree damages but no power loss thank GOD just watching the news and checkin out how everyone else is doing hopw everyone is well

Paul B

Advanced Reefer
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This storm is a joke it just raining and windy here were im in . By the beach front it only crazy . This is just a storm for people that live away from the beach front.

Not exactly
I live on Long Island and we just drove around and here is my block. We live in an area called the Oaks and this is why.
I know the South Shore got flooded and many people have a lot of damage.
About a third of the streets are blocked with down, still alive wires and trees.
Thank God that of the dozen or so trees down around my block, none of them fell on a house.




Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Not exactly
I live on Long Island and we just drove around and here is my block. We live in an area called the Oaks and this is why.
I know the South Shore got flooded and many people have a lot of damage.
About a third of the streets are blocked with down, still alive wires and trees.
Thank God that of the dozen or so trees down around my block, none of them fell on a house.



Wooooow thats bad , Thank god nothing like that happened over here al i know is a transformer blow up on the next block saw it out my window it was crazy.

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