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Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
Rating - 90%
27   3   0
This is second time i have seen (heard) this forecast tonight. Where are you seeing this, your iphone app? Everywhere i am looking (NOAA.org, Weather.com, etc) is saying we could see a direct hit.

My recommendation is to take this seriously. Its always better to over prepare and have to put your storm supplies away, than under prepare and have to deal with a tank crash or worse.

The storm mentioned in 91 was Bob and it knocked power out for a week. and that was a Cat 1... Nothing to take lightly.

No not my phone if you go to the tv station not like 5 or 11 the real new that the gov doesnt controll . and the one in 91 there was no power outage for me i had my tank back then . This is just a scare so companys make money off us, look into bloomberges history he is a big stock holder in alot of companys like HD and Costco so every move he make is to make money for himself. And i have family in miami and it wasnt bad thay said it was overrated.


Advanced Reefer
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No not my phone if you go to the tv station not like 5 or 11 the real new that the gov doesnt controll . and the one in 91 there was no power outage for me i had my tank back then . This is just a scare so companys make money off us, look into bloomberges history he is a big stock holder in alot of companys like HD and Costco so every move he make is to make money for himself. And i have family in miami and it wasnt bad thay said it was overrated.

so they are making mass hysteria so bloomberg can make a few dollars..if you look at the hurricane trail the storm barely touched florida that is why there wasnt much there.we on the other hand are looking at a direct hit.winds over 80 miles an hour.


Old School Reefer
Rating - 99.6%
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No not my phone if you go to the tv station not like 5 or 11 the real new that the gov doesnt controll . and the one in 91 there was no power outage for me i had my tank back then . This is just a scare so companys make money off us, look into bloomberges history he is a big stock holder in alot of companys like HD and Costco so every move he make is to make money for himself. And i have family in miami and it wasnt bad thay said it was overrated.

Without any experimentation, science would never advance. I think you should do zero preparation (in Far Rockaway no less :rolleyes: ) and let us know how your home, your tank, your personal belongings, survive the 'non-storm'.




Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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182   0   0
batt600 is not that close to the ocean front, his place is towards the center of the Rock.:) I guess that is what he is counting on.;)
Unfortunately for us we are 2 blocks from the ocean, and approximately 6 or so blocks from the bay. Which means there is a good possibility of having the bay & the ocean meeting again as it did 50 or so years ago.;( God willing this will not be the case as we have no where to evacuate to other then a parking lot in one of the malls.:( So it will be: hubby, my 2 pittie girls, and me sitting in my suv for over 12 hours.
As far as my reef is concerned will be on it's own, and the kois in my pond will be lost.;(
Our cats should be OK.:) They can stay on the top floor.

May God bless, and keep us all!Amen


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I'm in Queens away from water and relatively high up, but still stocked up on a few things (flashlights, batteries, candles, will be getting some food/water later) just in case.

To everyone who's closer to the water and will undoubtedly feel some kind of impact - best of luck and stay safe.


Rating - 99%
201   2   0
I am on the beach in Rockaway. With the full moon tide and storm surge there will most likely be flooding...I think. Either way I am getting the F out of here! I have to ride out the storm on a 70ft boat in "protected" waters for 2 days :(


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
Rating - 100%
65   0   0
Mandatory evac for Zone A and MTA shutdown at 12 PM tomorrow.


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