in this case itsa not the wind speed that we are conserned abt, its the size and intensity of the storm... and its a big storm 600 miles across.. sustained winds of 70-80mph plus, with gusts up to 95.. as a firefighter/emt im not so worried abt the wind... with out a doubt trees are coming down with the saturated ground they dont have a chance, wires are gonna be down across roads and hanging low.. our biggest consern is people, people forget how to think rationally during storms, people treck out to get cigarettes or milk or whatever... they get suck, caught in flood waters or worse..
its our job to put our lives on the line, for those people to save their dopey asses while there may be a real emergency going on elsewhere..
so please get everything you will need for 3 days, get non perishable foods, and bottled water.. have pet foods and suplies for your fish, make fresh salt water mix and top off water ready to go, if power goes out and your tank goes down, you will want to do a water change asap when power comes back up to get rid of all the toxons that built up.. keep carbon and mesh bags on hand just incase and a battery powered bubbler..
just some ideas im throwing out there, if you are leaving your home to seak shelter, turn your main gas line off to your home make sure that you keep things away from windows and lock up any valuables..
be safe, and for gods sake, if you see power lines down in the road, whether theyre phone, cable or dead power lines assume they are live and stay away!!!