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north jersey
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the police dept. had activated the emergency calling system in our town and advised everyone to stay home. the trees are down and roads flooded. i hear the fire and police trucks passing by but otherwise very quiet. the rain had stopped. it's actually sunny right now.
the creek at the back of the yard is rising and flowing very rapidly.
still have a/c and netflix so i'm good...:D

Paul B

Advanced Reefer
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This is the scene on almost every block


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Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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I haven't had any issues with my tmobile service Is Richie ok over in staten island? And glad to hear you still have netflix Tom I don't think that creek will overflow into your basement though


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I got very lucky. No flooding, no downed trees and the power was only out for about 5 hours. Other areas of LI are going to be without power for days. Just loaned out my inverter and portable air pumps to a guy in my club. He's been without power since early this morning.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Made it back home a couple of hours ago. Made it home in time to run an extension from another working outlet to atleast run the return pumps. The circuit breaker to my reef had popped. Basement had 3' of water in it,(our sump pump couldn't keep up with the rain)and apparently the outlets in the basement are connect to the same circuit breaker, and when those outlets went under water the breaker was tripped. Now I am in the process of using a rio water pump hooked up to my python to pump the water out of my basement. Then wait for those outlets to dry out, and see if the circuit breaker will stay on. I'm saying good bye to all our belongins in the basement. But at least from what I can see I didn't loose all my fish & corals, which I probably would've if I listened to Bloomberg, and stayed away. To add insult to injury the roof leaked around the chimney, in to my son's bedroom.
Still I thank God that we are all alife, as well as for the minor inconvenience compared to what it could've been.;)
Thank you Paul & Kathy for your concerns, and well wishes.

Paul B

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Awilda, I am glad you guys are safe. I just went to lend my generator to a friend a few miles away. It looks like they will be out for days because there is no power for miles around.
I just went to my boat which is about 5 miles away and there are only a handful of homes here with power.

They pulled my boat out of the water just before the storm. It will go back in on tuesday.
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We are very lucky this time!
1) major rain skipped us and was swung to further inland including PA and north to CT.
2)Land speed move so much faster them earlier leaving only a short period for heavy rain.
3)It has been downgraded so much when it hit NJ.

If not for so much noise, our trains will be in the water instead of on the ground while Paul's boat will be in the water bumping other boats.

Chatting online, I found many friends actually went out to clear the drains during the storm because all of us are so concerned with the flood warning. In the past, this amount of rain would have flashed many streets. However, with the hazard of down trees, not sure this is a good thing though.

Overall, I think we did good preparing and minimize loses.


Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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Thanks god my boy gave me a generater running my whole hose ha ha ha fish tanks look great thanks good still no power
CNN live just announced Irene has downgraded to tropical storm ... but East and Hudson rivers overflowing and threatening Manhattan ... Area A mandatory evacuation ... Hope you all are and stay in safe place.

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Advanced Reefer
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My powers been out for almost 24hrs. I have a bubbler running ,a powerhead running on a powerconverter hooked to my jeep battery and i just did a 5gal water change is there anything else i can do???

Sent from my DROID3 using Reefs

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