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new jersey
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Well not a title I like to post but definetly one we all have to deal with some probably more than others but this HuRRicAnE seems to be a big one. I don't know about you but I'm startin to get worried I'm not really prepared for a poweroutage longer than a day if that its times like this when I wish I had a generator. Wishin everyone on M.R a safe weekend

Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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i heard when it hits it will be a borderline category 2 to 1, if it stays at a 2 were in trouble, a 1 is manageable. plus im directly on the water, i may have to be evacuated and not be able to stay with my tank. Besides that hopefully there wont be any flooding in my house, yes i said in my house
Rockaway Park
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I'm in Miami right now and its just scattered showers then Sun right after. I asked the locals about it and they said they're used to it. Media makes a big fuss and its a bust... Most of the time its just scattered showers ans t-storms. Nothing serious...

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bergen county
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yep i always say im going to get a generator and never do....tryed getting on today and everywere is all out already..lol....if i lose everything again im done with the hobby for a while.....i wish everyone the best .....


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new jersey
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I know the homedepot in bloomfield or clifton is gettin a shipment of generators in tomorrow by 6 am but I don't expect them too last long a friend of mines told me about this


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South shore of LI isn't going to be a walk in the park either ;)

Good luck everyone. Crossing my fingers for everyone.


pretty much anywhere that is in the flood zone or under sea level.
Lower Manhattan is man made land so it ain't gunna be pretty there.

Idk how staten island will hold up but we're surrounded by water so that should be fun.


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Thay say when it hits us it will be just a storm a category 0 thay say, Winds only 50mph

This is second time i have seen (heard) this forecast tonight. Where are you seeing this, your iphone app? Everywhere i am looking (NOAA.org, Weather.com, etc) is saying we could see a direct hit.

My recommendation is to take this seriously. Its always better to over prepare and have to put your storm supplies away, than under prepare and have to deal with a tank crash or worse.

The storm mentioned in 91 was Bob and it knocked power out for a week. and that was a Cat 1... Nothing to take lightly.

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