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beanpole209":3sru0zvd said:
galleon":3sru0zvd said:
leftovers":3sru0zvd said:
neither they both are ugly imo

What can I say, start with ugly brown and green corals and that's what you get.

quotes like that help I dont know how galleon can say anything his tank looks like another TBS nightmare just without the sand his LR looks like the concrete they made it up from there local HD

he is saying that the corals off the coast of Florida, where he works, are not the most colorful corals to keep.
i believe he keeps these for his work.. it is not his job to make them pretty :wink:

if that was his intent i have no doubt that he could keep a very impressive tank.
any which way you slice it... this tank still looks more appealing than Bob's... as well as a heck of a lot healthier.


Bucktronix":3exhrr0t said:
are you telling me you scrape coraline off the bottom of your tank every week? how do you do that?

A razor attached to a piece of 1/2" PVC. Not exactly brain surgery.

btw judging by the pictures posted i don't see much if any "covering" your rocks, they look pretty white to me. you sure this tank has been setup for 7 years, i see a lot of new frags? maybe 7 weeks?

Nice cheap shot. Do you not also see several large, old colonies? Do you never frag your old corals? We're one of the only couple of places in the world keeping and culturing these animals. We provide frags of them for other AZA accredited and properly certified zoos and aquariums exhibiting Caribbean animals. In other words, I make a lot of frags.

Also, many of the few frags you see are the new animals we've acquired at the beginning of this year.


beanpole209":3ealuoxb said:
galleon":3ealuoxb said:
leftovers":3ealuoxb said:
neither they both are ugly imo

What can I say, start with ugly brown and green corals and that's what you get.

quotes like that help I dont know how galleon can say anything his tank looks like another TBS nightmare just without the sand his LR looks like the concrete they made it up from there local HD

The rock is aquacultured from the Southern Gulf, which is why it would resemble TBS. This is the only way to get live rock that has no non native contamination (ie, Pacific). There is no way to get Florida/Atlantic live rock ethically and legally unless it is aquacultured. It is as simple as that. I have no control over it.


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it's not a cheap shot. you say the tank has been running for 7 years, it sure dosnt look it from here. i have a hard time beliving this is remotly true. not that i could give a flying crap you want to tell people whatever you want.


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Define cheap Beaslbob?

Im sorry a tank full of macros look like ass...Like saying you have a garden of weeds...The entire issue is about bad advise with no concrete evidence...

For the record, my tank is pretty healthy and not covered in coralline..its been running over two years...still looks better than bobs...considering i have Acros and SPS growing, id say its doing good..why is there very little coralline in my tank??? I dunno...Just cuz a tank isnt covered in coralline doesnt mean its not pretty or healthy...a tank full of macros looks like a backyard pond IMO, not much of a REEF


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aquacultured concrete sounds interesting well ill stick to fiji rock!!!

galleon":2a224zzf said:
beanpole209":2a224zzf said:
galleon":2a224zzf said:
leftovers":2a224zzf said:
neither they both are ugly imo

What can I say, start with ugly brown and green corals and that's what you get.

quotes like that help I dont know how galleon can say anything his tank looks like another TBS nightmare just without the sand his LR looks like the concrete they made it up from there local HD

The rock is aquacultured from the Southern Gulf, which is why it would resemble TBS. This is the only way to get live rock that has no non native contamination (ie, Pacific). There is no way to get Florida/Atlantic live rock ethically and legally unless it is aquacultured. It is as simple as that. I have no control over it.


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Beanpole":3538zzpw said:
aquacultured concrete sounds interesting well ill stick to fiji rock!!!
and Macros :roll: ... Honeslty, ive seen beaslbobs tank and Galleons tank. And Galleons tank looks a helluva lot better than the one that looks like an out door pond... I dont care much for BB tanks but the life in it looks much more healthier than that of Beaslbobs...


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yes this is what it's come down to.. this tank looks better than that tank therefore this is the correct method. gimme a break, they both are extreme designs on either end of the spectrum. personally i think they both look like ass but i can see points about both that are useful.


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Bucktronix":wq3p851u said:
yes this is what it's come down to.. this tank looks better than that tank therefore this is the correct method. gimme a break,

When I said which do you like better, I meant which looks healthier. Sorry for the confusion.
And, I don't think anyone is arguing about which method is 'correct'. If we could end the polarization, this would be a much easier discussion.


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I'm just stating if you like cinder block LR then galleons tank is the way to go but otherwise his tank has no color I think a couple of beer bottles and a can of oil would be rite at home.

LordNikon":vkqv3fvn said:
Beanpole":vkqv3fvn said:
aquacultured concrete sounds interesting well ill stick to fiji rock!!!
and Macros :roll: ... Honeslty, ive seen beaslbobs tank and Galleons tank. And Galleons tank looks a helluva lot better than the one that looks like an out door pond... I dont care much for BB tanks but the life in it looks much more healthier than that of Beaslbobs...


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Bucktronix":xhy9g9pc said:
yes this is what it's come down to.. this tank looks better than that tank therefore this is the correct method. gimme a break, they both are extreme designs on either end of the spectrum. personally i think they both look like ass but i can see points about both that are useful.
Ok let me clarify as Righty has..Its not all about appearances..Its the health of the tank....But when youre showing your "methods" to someone (mainly a newbie) and it looks like garbage, how willing are they gonna take you seriously? If youre selling a car and it looks like trash but runs great, how many people are willing to buy and how much money do you think you'll get for it... The point here is what is a healthy safe and economical means of setting up a reef tank... How does one gauge success at any point? Where is the proof that bob states Macros remove copper and metals, then continues to top off with tap water that contains these metals? Is he saying that the Macro absorbs these metals at an extremely fast rate? Then let me ask this...What is a reef tank??
is it strictly corals, or is it a (makeshift) seagrass bed??? Im willing to bet when put to the test that he couldnt successfully keep any SPS with his methods...And Ill go as far as to say a min of 1yr keeping the same SPS frag/colony alive and growing for it to be success...

to add some more clarity i did also say this before you posted
I dont care much for BB tanks but the life in it looks much more healthier than that of Beaslbobs...


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Beanpole":tkv78ty0 said:
I'm just stating if you like cinder block LR then galleons tank is the way to go but otherwise his tank has no color I think a couple of beer bottles and a can of oil would be rite at home.
No more than Beaslbobs backwoods pond I guess


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it amazes me that beanpole is bagging on galleon's tank for asthetic reasons and is stating that he will stick with the more expensive method (fiji rock).
what are you beanpole, some kind of elitist? :lol: :roll:


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Podman":ntljaad8 said:
it amazes me that beanpole is bagging on galleon's tank for asthetic reasons and is stating that he will stick with the more expensive method (fiji rock).
what are you beanpole, some kind of elitist? :lol: :roll:

your one to talk with your aquacultured argonite avatar :lol:


This thread cracks me up


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beanpole209":3cm0pbk3 said:
I'm just stating if you like cinder block LR then galleons tank is the way to go but otherwise his tank has no color I think a couple of beer bottles and a can of oil would be rite at home.

Can we all please get out of the 'your tank looks like crap' mind set?

I do think you don't understand the purpose of Galleons tank. It is not a tank in his home, it is a public display of local coral.

That said, I think we should strive to support aquacultured anything in this hobby. Ripping rock out of Fiji so most everything on it can die during shipping and curing seems unsustainable.


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whats galleons excuse atleast if were talking about bobs tank i could chalk it upto our methods if I wonted to do that galleons using your methods hmm what does this have to do with anything well galleons tank looks like the perfect biotope for a gulf trash aquarium sooo :lol:

LordNikon":2rqxg4wb said:
Beanpole":2rqxg4wb said:
I'm just stating if you like cinder block LR then galleons tank is the way to go but otherwise his tank has no color I think a couple of beer bottles and a can of oil would be rite at home.
No more than Beaslbobs backwoods pond I guess

using bobs method has absolutely nothing to do with where you get you LR and LR is not a method :!:

Podman":2rqxg4wb said:
it amazes me that beanpole is bagging on galleon's tank for asthetic reasons and is stating that he will stick with the more expensive method (fiji rock).
what are you beanpole, some kind of elitist? :lol: :roll:


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beanpole209":33ltueaj said:
using bobs method has absolutely nothing to do with where you get you LR and LR is not a method :!:

Actually, that is incorrect. Bob has on numerous occasions stated that him method includes not buying expensive live rock, but using cheap dead rock.

Live rock is indeed a method. I know several reefers who think it is worse than sand.


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beanpole209":2uf7ehu2 said:
I'm just stating if you like cinder block LR then galleons tank is the way to go but otherwise his tank has no color I think a couple of beer bottles and a can of oil would be rite at home.

So, I take it you prefer Beaslbob's River Rocks... :roll:

And yes, Live Rock is a method. I prefer Live Sand but that's just one option among many that works.

River Rocks are part of Bob's method. If he would start a tank for the "Comparison Project" then we could all know how it stacks up.
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