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beaslbob":2atcbmjw said:
Righty":2atcbmjw said:
beaslbob":2atcbmjw said:
nm reef":2atcbmjw said:
Long ago and far...far away I made a very simple request of your friend Beaselbob...."put up or shut up"...I simply requested that he post pics of his claimed success...his tank....not someone elses...so folks could see and judge for themselves if they wanted what bob claims as success in their homes.....the challenge is still there but I doubt he'll take me up on it.All this ramble and spouting of opinion/advice...but a lack of willingness to show physical evidence of HIS reef.......must not be real proud of it.

My old friend nmreef has followed my here.

He had a 55g with 29g macro refugium then upgraded to a 150-175 using the old 55g as a macro refugium. And therefore is using plant life just like I advise.

You advise way more than a simple planted 'fuge.

Yes. My advice is to simply take care of the plant life and the plant life will take care of your system. Everything else comes from that fact. The specific details may obscure that simple truth, but even with compeletly different setups that underlying fact still remains.

What you advocate is not a simple planted 'fuge, and your simple truth has only your opinions behind it. There are simply too many tanks that have nuked with a thriving macro fuge for your simple truth to be simple or true.
And, you didn't invent the planted fuge. Its been around a lot longer than you have been doing salt water.


Righty":oiuvjc8u said:
beaslbob":oiuvjc8u said:

Yes. My advice is to simply take care of the plant life and the plant life will take care of your system. Everything else comes from that fact. The specific details may obscure that simple truth, but even with compeletly different setups that underlying fact still remains.

What you advocate is not a simple planted 'fuge, and your simple truth has only your opinions behind it. There are simply too many tanks that have nuked with a thriving macro fuge for your simple truth to be simple or true.
And, you didn't invent the planted fuge. Its been around a lot longer than you have been doing salt water.

I have never claimed to have invented the planted fuge or the planted FW tank either. I presume the plant fuge has been around longer tham my 28 years of having tanks.

I am also unaware of any system where plant life is maintaining 0-5ppm nitrates that has been nuked. I am aware of many tanks that crashed after adding cleaner crews, with no refug or added macros. Including one that had been running for two years.

So when a newbie has a tank running for a few months, has solved the algae problems with cleaner crews, is conducting water changes, and otherwise doing everything they should, but now has ph they can't buffer above 8, nitrates are high, new fish slowly deteriorate, develop white spots, start breathing heavy and die, I'll continue recommending that they get the plant life thriving.

And to prevent that from happening to begin with I continue to recommend they get the plant life thriving are a necessary part of the initial setup. Everything else is secondary to that.


Ok Bob have you set up a tank they way majority of people on here have recommended?
Beaslbob":2x6zefm5 said:
but now has ph they can't buffer above 8, nitrates are high, new fish slowly deteriorate, develop white spots, start breathing heavy and die
Then there is an underlying problem but I guarantee macros wont cure it..Macros work along side of everything else..If you look at some of the most beautiful tanks in the world that have been sustained for a substantial period of time, youll find that Macros arent the only thing working on that tank..Youll find some sort of mechanical filtration like a protein skimmer...Im sure we all wish there was an even easier(cheaper) method of keeping tanks clean but there really isnt (not without tons of maintenance)


I am locking this long and scattered and redundant thread. Feel free to start a new thread if you want to discuss any specific issues.

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