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Search results

  1. Setting up a 26g. A couple questions

    Thank you for the responeses. What would happen if I added small pieces of uncured rock, one at a time? Would the existing rock and sandbed be able to prevent a full cycle and maybe even help preserve some of the life on the uncured rock?
  2. Setting up a 26g. A couple questions

    I recently obtained a 26g show tank from a friend. It has been up and running for about 4 months, with only live sand (ESV oolitic about 2"-3" deep), a few little pieces of live rock, and a couple astrea and nassarius snails. Right now there are now other animals to speak of. The sand bed does...
  3. MO Nassarius snails?

    Ray, Thanks for the link to seacritters. I spoke with Theresa and she was very helpful and very very nice. Great customer service. I'll let everyone know how the snails are, but the initial contact was fantastic. Ryan
  4. MO Nassarius snails?

    I am looking for some nassarius snails for my DSB. I ordered some from etropicals but they don't seem to want to stay in the sand. They go all over the glass and rocks, but the kind i want stay almost exclusively in the sand bed. Has anyone ordered some of these guys lately from a MO source...
  5. Mantis v. Pistol - Can you tell the difference by the soun

    I have heard some "popping" noises in my tank (90g reef). I tend to hear them within an hour or two of the lights going out (maybe because that is the time i go to sleep???). Anyway, they are usually 2 distinct "clicks" followed by a pause, lasting between 10 seconds and 10 minutes. I...
  6. Cucumber vs. Mantis?

    It may be a pistol shrimp. It is usually 2 "pops" and then a pause before it resumes. Sometimes a long pause. I guess it is time for me to do some research on pistol shrimp. Am I married....? Good question. I wish i knew the answer to that. oh well.... Thanks. Ryan
  7. Cucumber vs. Mantis?

    I have been hearing some "popping" sounds in my 90g and suspect a mantis shrimp. This may also explain the disappearance of 2 of 3 barnacle blennies. I am going to try to catch this guy, but I was curious as to whether a mantis could be responsible for attacking a cucumber. Ryan
  8. Uncured LR - is it possible not to have a cycle?

    I was at Jeff's with my girlfriend last weekend(this may be hard to believe, but she actually begs me to go on saturdays so she can dig through the live rock holding tanks... gotta love her). Anyway, when we were there, we saw he had some Fiji rock still in the box. I'm a bit of a LR addict...
  9. Metal Halides regret?

    I have 2 x 175W Hamilton 10K with 2 x 55W PC actinics on my 90g. I get the glitter lines and the color is very good. HTH Ryan
  10. Need info for upgrading MH ballast

    I had the same question and I called Hamilton. They basically told me that you can add a 250W ballast and everything else pretty much stays the same. If you go up to 400W, the wiring has to be changed so it is a much bigger hassle. Hamilton was very helpful on the issue. Give them a call...
  11. soaking food

    where can you get selcon? LFS?
  12. Any tips on keeping the air intake on a Turboflotor clear?

    I don't think it is dirty air. my apartment is new and really clean (i'm sure that will change, but it's clean now). I think it must be deposits at the base of the air tube. I will take it apart next time it gets clogged up. When it's clean, it skims beautifully. I'm very happy with it in...
  13. Any tips on keeping the air intake on a Turboflotor clear?

    Thanks for the input. I think the problem is related to something down the tube. I don't think it's the dirty air, but the floss quieting the noise is always a benefit. Where do the deposits form? at the very base where the air intake tube meets the horizontal flow tube? If that's the case...
  14. Any tips on keeping the air intake on a Turboflotor clear?

    My air intake seems to get restricted every few days. I have to run water through it to keep it clear. Anyone have a trick to keep it clear longer? I was thinking about adding a longer piece of tubing into the existing tube, but wonder if the fitting will restrict the airflow. or should...
  15. Can I mix kalk in my Kent drip container?

    Ernie, that is the way i read it too. I'm off to the store to buy some vinegar right now.
  16. Can I mix kalk in my Kent drip container?

    Thanks for the tip on the Kalkwasser thread. Lots of great stuff. I think i'm going to have to read it several times to absorb it all. It seems to me that if you mix the kalk powder with vinegar, you don't have to worry about settling things out of the solution, but i'm going to read it...
  17. Can I mix kalk in my Kent drip container?

    I am going to start dripping kalk for my make up water, but I'm not sure if i can mix the kalk in the reservoir. The outlet to the tubing is above the bottom of the container so should avoid the precipate, but not sure if this is what I'm supposed to do. If not, where should I mix it? I was...
  18. My new 26g Will it work?

    He's getting out of the saltwater hobby. He's had enough. lol I just want to make sure I am not going to get a cycle in the tank and kill the little guy. If so,I don't have a place to keep him while I cycle the tank. He'll have to go back to the LFS.
  19. My new 26g Will it work?

    I have a 90g reef set up, but my friend is going to give me a small dragon wrasse. I don't want to put him in my reef, so I'm going to start him out in a 26g that I have. Eventually I'm going to set up a bigger FOWLR, but I can't afford it for a few months. The stuff I have right now is a...
  20. Ghosts in my refugium 1/8" long??

    I have these same guys. They seem to be more active at night too. Are they some type of a planaria or flat worm?
