I recently obtained a 26g show tank from a friend. It has been up and running for about 4 months, with only live sand (ESV oolitic about 2"-3" deep), a few little pieces of live rock, and a couple astrea and nassarius snails. Right now there are now other animals to speak of. The sand bed does seem to have lots of life (bristle worms, etc.).
The tank is lit by 2 VHO lights (one daylight, one actinic) driven by an IceCap 660.
There is a 10g sump with a Turboflotor 1000 skimmer. The returns are 2 Maxijet 900's.
I have the following questions:
1. If i add uncured live rock, will the cycle do massive damage to the sand bed? If so, I guess i'll just have to either buy cured rock or cure in a separate tank)
2. Could I keep small SPS frags in this tank with the current lighting? If not, I have room to add one more 95W VHO bulb. Would that make a difference?
Thanks in advance for the input.
The tank is lit by 2 VHO lights (one daylight, one actinic) driven by an IceCap 660.
There is a 10g sump with a Turboflotor 1000 skimmer. The returns are 2 Maxijet 900's.
I have the following questions:
1. If i add uncured live rock, will the cycle do massive damage to the sand bed? If so, I guess i'll just have to either buy cured rock or cure in a separate tank)
2. Could I keep small SPS frags in this tank with the current lighting? If not, I have room to add one more 95W VHO bulb. Would that make a difference?
Thanks in advance for the input.