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I recently obtained a 26g show tank from a friend. It has been up and running for about 4 months, with only live sand (ESV oolitic about 2"-3" deep), a few little pieces of live rock, and a couple astrea and nassarius snails. Right now there are now other animals to speak of. The sand bed does seem to have lots of life (bristle worms, etc.).

The tank is lit by 2 VHO lights (one daylight, one actinic) driven by an IceCap 660.

There is a 10g sump with a Turboflotor 1000 skimmer. The returns are 2 Maxijet 900's.

I have the following questions:

1. If i add uncured live rock, will the cycle do massive damage to the sand bed? If so, I guess i'll just have to either buy cured rock or cure in a separate tank)

2. Could I keep small SPS frags in this tank with the current lighting? If not, I have room to add one more 95W VHO bulb. Would that make a difference?

Thanks in advance for the input.



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Sounds like a nice system. You need more lr IMO. Cured is better, uncured should be ok too. I'm not an expert at sb's but I don't think either one will have much of an impact on you sand bed. Then I would let it sit for a while and monitor water as you can expect a mini-cycle (ya ya I know, tanks are mini-cycling all the time). IMO your lighting is fine, although one more vho won't hurt.

Will C1

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add a lot more rock and wait about a month then do a 50% water change add one more light test the water if its all 0's (which it should be) then go ahead and try some small frags at first if they seem to do well after a month or two then go ahed and get somemore.

The Pirate

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If it's not enough light and the rest of your parameters are good the frags will just plate out. What I mean is they will grow onto the rock you have mounted it to and extend outward from there not up.


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Thank you for the responeses. What would happen if I added small pieces of uncured rock, one at a time? Would the existing rock and sandbed be able to prevent a full cycle and maybe even help preserve some of the life on the uncured rock?


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IMO I would buy uncured rock and cure for about a week or so in a separate container like a trashcan or shallow rubbermaid tub. You won't be buying a lot of rock for this tank so curing it separately should be easy. Use a powerhead, heater and a skimmer in your tub. Inspect your rock daily for dead things like sponges, etc. and pull them off. Do a few partial water changes. After a week or so you could slowly put the curing pieces in your show tank. This way should retain the life in your tank and on your rock. FWIW when my tank crashed, i.e. heatwave and massive ammonia spike, my new sandbed did take a beating, I did find life in it like bristleworms and a cuke, some snails did survive as well, but I'm sure I lost a lot more.


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Pay the extra money and puchase cured rock.........even cultured if you can afford it. You will just be adding increased filtration if you do it this way. I would add the extra light too. Your tank will be ready for more livestock much sooner if you do this.

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