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My air intake seems to get restricted every few days. I have to run water through it to keep it clear. Anyone have a trick to keep it clear longer?

I was thinking about adding a longer piece of tubing into the existing tube, but wonder if the fitting will restrict the airflow.

or should i just add a air pump? (if so, any suggestions?)




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If the airline keeps getting clogged, it's a pretty good indication your air is pretty dirty. Build a filter for the intake, forcing the incoming air to pass through some filter floss. Then all you have to do is replace the floss (cheap) every week or so. Additional benefits are that it keeps airborne particulates out of your tank, and it silences the venturi. Don't pack the floss too tight or you'll restrict airflow.


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No offense, but Leonard is wrong on this one. It is not the airline that is clogged, but the injector in the tubing inside the skimmer. It is getting clogged with salt and calcium deposits.

My turboflotor clogged all the time even with an air pump. BTW- the pump will be necessary soon, if it isn't already. They are all of $12 at an LFS.

I would regularly inject very hot water (1-2 cups) through the airline into the injectors using a large syringe without the needle. You can pick one up in walmart in the baby care section. I found that after pulling the whole skimmer apart and soaking the injectors in vinager that it would remain free for a month or two and then clog up again. The hot water through the syring would give me anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks. IMO it is a design issue.



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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by esmithiii:
<strong>No offense, but Leonard is wrong on this one.

None taken. I thought Ryan meant the tubing.


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My TF air intake needs to be cleaned every so often as well, but I find that the deposits that are in it are soft and can be cleaned quite easily with your standard fuzzy type pipe cleaner from the hobby store. I just drain the skimmer with water, take off the airline hose at the injector end and pass the pipe cleaner through back and forth.



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Thanks for the input. I think the problem is related to something down the tube. I don't think it's the dirty air, but the floss quieting the noise is always a benefit.

Where do the deposits form? at the very base where the air intake tube meets the horizontal flow tube? If that's the case, it doesn't seem like there is much one can do about it. I have been squiring water down the air tube with a turkey baster, but would rather have a solution that doesn't require a manual cleaning every few days.

Is it simply a design problem or a is there a solution out there?




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In my case, the deposits are forming at the intersection between the intake tube and the horizontal air mixing/needle wheel chamber. I think the deposits are formed as a result of the intermittent water contact because of the nature of the flow of bubbles into the water. (ie. not a steady stream of air)
Because you are having a blockage every few days, there's something else wrong, and as Leonard suggested, the problem may be dirty air. I only have to clean my air intake every 6 months or so.
What kind of debis, exactly are you having to clear?
How is your skimmer performing? Is there a chance that the airline could be kinked, or you're getting some backflow up the airline?
Take your pump apart and have a look. I've even found about 6 baby snail shells clogging the intake area.



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I don't think it is dirty air. my apartment is new and really clean (i'm sure that will change, but it's clean now). I think it must be deposits at the base of the air tube. I will take it apart next time it gets clogged up. When it's clean, it skims beautifully. I'm very happy with it in general, just need to work out this kink. Thanks for all the help.



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I believe it is a design issue. I had the TF1000. I believe that Mitch has a larger model. I experienced the same issue with mine.



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The small ports on the air injector clog easily with calcium deposits and other debrie. I have been running one of these for about 18 months. It needs frequent disassembling and cleaning to work right even with an MJ900 feed pump and air pump connected to the air intake tube. It will be replaced with a less maintenance intensive skimmer in the near future.
I plan on cleaning it completely and keeping it for a spare since it is really and plug in and go type unit.


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Rather than just running warm water through the tube to clean it, try warm water mixed with vinegar. The vinegar helps break down the calcium deposits, and the small amount used really doesn't effect the water quality. Also, rather than using a hypodermic syringe or turkey baster, just use a small bowl of water. Insert the end of the air tube into the bowl and it will suck the water through, giving a fuller, more constant stream of water and cleaning out the deposits better.



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Just a clarification:

If you want to use vinager (which works very well, BTW) the skimmer must be out of the tank. Vinager will throw off the pH of the tank and can kill livestock. I used the syringe because I could shoot very hot water thought the airline without getting my hands wet, with the skimmer in the my sump.


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