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I am going to start dripping kalk for my make up water, but I'm not sure if i can mix the kalk in the reservoir. The outlet to the tubing is above the bottom of the container so should avoid the precipate, but not sure if this is what I'm supposed to do.

If not, where should I mix it? I was thinking about using a 5 gallon bucket, but it isn't clear and i'm not sure how i would get the clear water out of the container without being able to see the layers. Do I have to buy a small glass aquarium or glass container to mix? Any input would be apprecitated. Thanks.



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don't mix it in the aquadoser.
i use a 3 gallon bucket and mix it up in there. it doesn't need to be transparent.
mix it up, let it stand for several hours. you don't want the stuff that'll form on the top, nor the precipitate that'll form on the bottom. you want the clearish liquid in the middle. siphon out the good stuff and fill your aquadoser every night.
there's a good thread in the archives here under the name "kalkwasser." it has tons of good info. you should go check it out.


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A regular old 5g bucket works fine for mixing kalk. You can drill the side almost at the bottom and install a bulkhead and some form of valve (pvc gate works) to drain off the clear mixture after it has settled for a few hours.


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Thanks for the tip on the Kalkwasser thread. Lots of great stuff. I think i'm going to have to read it several times to absorb it all. It seems to me that if you mix the kalk powder with vinegar, you don't have to worry about settling things out of the solution, but i'm going to read it again to make sure.


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I saw nothing in the thread that indicated to me that mixing in the dosing container is wrong, or should be avoided. Maybe I am dense; if so maybe someone can explain why.



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I use an aquadoser for my kalk. I also use vinegar. I simply mix the kalk and the vinegar in a small bowl, pour it in the jug, add 2 gallons of water, shake and drip. I haven't had any problems at all. There is little precipitate and it stays in the jug.



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If you don't use vinegar - you don't want to mix in the doser.
FWIW not everyone needs to use vinegar. How many corals and/or clams do you have? Those are the critters that use Ca the most. What is your Ca level? If you don't dose kalk, what do the alk and Ca levels dip down to?
If there isn't much of a drop you don't need to use acetic acid. Some folks like the increased pH that basic kalkwasser imparts on their tank.
If you are using vinegar, I still would use the bucket method and transfer. For one, you want to be sure that the precipitate isn't going to clog your line. That's a PITA. Besides, I'd rather prepare a week's worth of kalkwasser at one time and parcel it out nightly.
There may be a more chemistry oriented reason you don't want the precipitate in the tank, but I'll leave that to the chemists to explain. But I think the precipitate might actually pull Ca out of the water rather than add to it. I'm not sure of that, though.


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I have no Idea why these guys just do not answer your question, you asked a simple question... and the answer YES, and you do not have to mix vinger in it....

[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: Tony33 ]</p>


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tony33:
<strong>I have no Idea why these guys just do not answer your question, you asked a simple question... and the answer YES, and you do not have to mix vinger in it....

[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: Tony33 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

WOW! You must be really smart! The other 5 replies must've not answer the question yet and your did!

Why would someone ask question? Because he doesn't know the answer! Now, being the one answering the question, shouldn't you also simply explain why you are telling him yes or no? Ya know, not everyone is as smart as you.

Ryan, I mix in another container myself, just want to be on the safe side. The aquadoser instruction does not prohibit users "not" to mix in the container, I guess it's OK, but I just like to play safe. If you are going to mix in another container, wait at least an hour.....that should be enough time for the undisolved kalk to settle.

I punch a lid on the 5Gal jar and insert a long rigid airline tubing. Fix/glue the rigid airline tubing so it is 2" away from the bottom. Then the rest is history, just mix, wait, and siphon. Try not to mix too much at a time, jsut enough for your need for a couple of days (2-3).


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I do the drip back when I didn't have the dosing pump or the kalk reactor. Who doesn't?


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Mix my KW in my 2.5G kent aquadose with no problems. Just close off the dripper while you mix and let it settle for a couple of hours before you begin dripping (not for any scientific reason other than I don't want any undissolved KW chunks clogging the line). As always, keep an eye on the drip rate because it can slow down over time due to buildup.


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I also mix the kalk with vinegar in my 1400 ml Kent doser before adding the water. On a couple of occassions I got a little precipitate in the bottom of the doser and it slowed down the drip. I quess it was either a little too generous with the kalk or a little too stingy with the vinegar.

Either way, it is easy enough to clear it out.

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