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Ellenville NY
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Just keep an eye on it. chantix is not for everyone, like jerl77 said dreams are a side affect.
A long with upset stomach.

Let us know how it go's, and good luck.

Day 13.
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long island ny
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ya same here i got up one night freaking out helling and screeming had to go check on the kids but i stop smoking so i bad dream here and there is well worth it
I had some friends take that and they had vivid dreams of their families being murdered in front of them.

Kinda a bad way to start the day.


Ellenville NY
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you are a non smoker in my book it out of your body it a mind game now take a deep breath it feels so good to do it with out hacking up a lung

Hey man thanks a lot. It feels great to give them up. Thank you for your support and the many others here, who have been tagging a long with encouragement and kind words. Made it just that much easier.


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Not sure if anyone is interested, BUT, My fiance didn't want to use the chantix, so she got an e cigarrette online. She has not lit up for about a month and a half. She refills the cartridges using tobacco drops, and she seems to be doing well. She bought a pack of cigs while we were on vacation, and said she didn't really like the taste of the cigs. We have been home a week now, and she hasn't bought a new pack yet.

When I did a little research on the e cigs, the main problem I saw was that the amount of tobacco isn't always consistent. sometimes it is more, and sometimes it is less.


NJRC Member
North, NJ
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Day 2 and so far so good haven't really had any urges. I think about cigarettes though, but don't really feel the need for one.

Only complaint my teeth feel glassy idk why. Oh and my stomach has been a wreck I guess from the pill.

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