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Ellenville NY
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Day 6. Still going strong. I just which more people here on MR would join me. Unless there are not many members that smoke to begin with. Come on guys lets do this. Post here.
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Official Lurker
New York
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61   0   0
I now rather be in the non smoking team. I know for a fact there are more out there. Come join up now.

Day 6.
Unfortunately they might consider when it's to late :(

Update?........How is it going so far? Are you and the wife hanging in there? If so keep it up!!!! You will not imagine how good you both feel about yourselves even a year from now.


cephalopod enthusiast
Rating - 95%
38   2   0
Today my smoking buddy came near me after going out and having a smoke, WOW the smell almost knocked me over. Thats the way i stuck holy crap.

I would never notice how much my clothes/apartment stunk until I would go home to visit my parents (who don't smoke.) My suitcase, my clothes, even my books STUNK. It was pretty vile.

I recently moved out of my old apartment and found half a carton of cigarettes while I was packing! The thought didn't even cross my mind to smoke them, I just gave them to a friend. It gets a lot easier with time.

Still took about a year until i had zero desire to ever have one, even drunk.
I slipped up after being smoke free for about one month while I was at a bar with friends. I took one puff and felt like I was going to DIE.
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NJRC Member
North, NJ
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I'll be joining this bandwagon soon!! Just got a prescription for chantrix. I've only been smoking about 4 years, but that's 4 years too many!

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Ellenville NY
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93   0   0
I'll be joining this bandwagon soon!! Just got a prescription for chantrix. I've only been smoking about 4 years, but that's 4 years too many!

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs

Day 11.
Welcome aboard the smoke free train. The fact that i don't have to hurry at lunch to squeeze in smoking time is great. It feels great.


Ellenville NY
Rating - 100%
93   0   0
Unfortunately they might consider when it's to late :(

Update?........How is it going so far? Are you and the wife hanging in there? If so keep it up!!!! You will not imagine how good you both feel about yourselves even a year from now.

Still going strong.. Thanks for asking.
Day 11.


Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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2 years today will never smoke again. i promoise you that i am at the gym everday run 2 miles in the morning still to this day it the best thing i have ever did beside my kids lol

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