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Shatter your reality
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I quit smoking on August 4, 2010, and have been cigarette free since. The urge to smoke still hits me from time to time but I stay strong. I did it for ME, not anyone else. But I do know that If I do start smoking again that it will take away a certain level of trust from the people that we’re glad to see me quit smoking. All I can tell you is to try again, don’t give up. You did it once and you can certainly do it again. Good luck!


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33 days and I haven't bought any new coral or livestock.

All kidding aside, my dad passed away from this addiction and I'll tell you, watching a 180 pound man full of muscles degrade to almost half that in 6 months day to day would make anyone quit. I'm lucky to never have touched a cigarette.


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15 days and counting.... The rage has slowly gone away and I can sleep the entire night... I hope I can keep this up and not relapse


NJRC Member
North, NJ
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I may stop taking my Chantix simply because the sleep I am getting isn't the greatest. Like I sleep, but I'm not well rested and the dreams are becoming less fun.


NJRC Member
North, NJ
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Lol it's been probably 3 months, I stopped counting as I'm no longer a smoker. Idk how I smoked at all the smell is ew and I can actually breath.

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NJRC Member
North, NJ
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Fishman I had the same problem, but with chantix never really got an urge. I was nervous after stopping the pill, but overall well worth the $.

I think it's more so saying enough is enough and getting support from everyone around you.

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Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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Chantix worked for me big time on it had some wired dreams but no withdrall anything just the hate of the smell of smoke 2 years and counting best thing i have ever did

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