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Official Lurker
New York
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Must do it.. Trying to be here for the wife, kids and granddaughter.
That's the best reason to quit and why I did so myself!! I was only engaged and thought if I want to see my kids get married one day I had better quit being selfish and give up the cancer sticks. One of my best friends watched his Dad wither away to looking like a skeleton from lung cancer last year and still smokes 2 packs a day. He has a seven month old daughter but I guess that's not a good enough reason to quit yet.
3 days smoke free so far. Keep up the good work! :splitspin
Would like to see more MR members post here how they to are ready to quit too. Come on you know you want to! :D


cephalopod enthusiast
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Tentacles did you ever find out the cause of the blood .

Well, I was smoking 1- 1 1/2 packs a day of newport 100's, had been smoking for about 6 years. It stopped when I quit.

NYC was running a free patch program for a little while, you should look into that if you're having a hard time with cold turkey. The first week is the hardest, especially if you're around people who smoke everyday.


Ellenville NY
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if youre in the city call 311 theyll send you patches and gum for free

Not in the city. I buy them at rite aid for $32 for 7 days worth. Well worth it. Tried talking myself out of it. Saying they cost to much. But compare to the cost of not smoking (price & health). It's nothing. Also i think there is a big difference between the free 311 one and the ones you buy.

Day 4.. Savings of 80 Bucks.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Just being strong when your body gets used to the patch. That was always my problem when I tried to quit using nicotine substitutes. They would work for two weeks and then the urges would just be overwhelming. One time I even put two patches at a time!!

If you can do cold turkey and get the nicotine totally out of the system then that's the way to go.


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Just be cautious of triggers that'll sneak up on you... and it can happen at any time, any where. For me, stress was a kicker... whenever I was stressed, my mind started go down that path of "just one... and I'll be right back on the wagon". Stay strong peeps...


Ellenville NY
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going strong after 7 days its out of your body. so welcome u are a non smoker take a deep breath it feels so good lol

It's day 5 and i'm still going strong and very determined. My wife is quiting right a long with me. That is a big help. There won't be a point if only one of us was trying to do it.


Ellenville NY
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Just be cautious of triggers that'll sneak up on you... and it can happen at any time, any where. For me, stress was a kicker... whenever I was stressed, my mind started go down that path of "just one... and I'll be right back on the wagon". Stay strong peeps...

The fact that i work in a hospital and there is a no smoking policy helps. The hospital sits on over a hundred acres. Not like down in the city were they also have no smoking on grounds. But just a cross the street you see everybody smoking.


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The fact that i work in a hospital and there is a no smoking policy helps. The hospital sits on over a hundred acres. Not like down in the city were they also have no smoking on grounds. But just a cross the street you see everybody smoking.

Yea, that was a horror for me. Working in midtown and all the office workers just standing out on break. Then the bars... oh man. You can do it... extra coral money!


Official Lurker
New York
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Working in midtown and all the office workers just standing out on break. Then the bars... oh man. You can do it... extra coral money!
Wait Steve you didn't own a pair of these smoking mittens? :lol2:

Man I'm glad for you and the wife. Keep it up. Vacation money $$$ is accumilating!! So is life expectancy :)


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No Harry, I wasn't afforded with such luxuries. I'm the tool that stood in between revolving doors while huffing 'n puffing away, totally oblivious to the people trying to get into the building. :lol2:

Vacation money $$$ is accumilating!!
I hear that! Italy and possibily Maldives next year! :splitspin

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